Faculty of Humanities

Application Support at the Faculty of Humanities

Do you plan to apply for external funding for research?

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BOA-HF offers support to researchers who wish to apply for external research funding. Feel free to contact us to discuss your project idea and possible sources of funding.    

Are you planning on applying for external funding? All initiatives begin at your Department/Center. Start by contacting the Head of your Department/Center. Submit information about your project plans in our application registration form. Use the form if you’re the project leader or a partner in another application. The information submitted in the form will be sent to the Head of the Department/Center and the administrative support team (BOA-HF).

For applications to Horizon Europe (e.g. European Research Council (ERC), Marie- Skłodowska-Curie Action (MSCA), Pillar 2 Globa Challenges), a Statement of Participation must be signed by the researcher and the Head of Department, and sent to boa-hf@uib.no

    Research Support

    Together with the departments and centers, we provide administrative support to externally funded projects and applications. We use BOA-HF as a collective term to represent these support functions. 

    Check the overview of us, who work with research, project finance, HR, and communication in the faculty administration.  

    The Application Process 

    It is important to start the planning process early.

    Relevant calls

    The following list is regularly updated with a selection of upcoming application deadlines for calls that focus humanities research.