Faculty of Humanities

Application Support at the Faculty of Humanities

Do you plan to apply for external funding for research?

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BOA-HF offers support to researchers who wish to apply for external research funding. Feel free to contact us to discuss your project idea and possible sources of funding.    

Are you planning on applying for external funding? All initiatives begin at your Department/Center. Start by contacting the Head of your Department/Center. Submit information about your project plans in our application registration form. Use the form if you’re the project leader or a partner in another application. The information submitted in the form will be sent to the Head of the Department/Center and the administrative support team (BOA-HF).

For applications to Horizon Europe (e.g. European Research Council (ERC), Marie- Skłodowska-Curie Action (MSCA), Pillar 2 Globa Challenges), a Statement of Participation must be signed by the researcher and the Head of Department, and sent to boa-hf@uib.no

    Research Support

    Together with the departments and centers, we provide administrative support to externally funded projects and applications. We use BOA-HF as a collective term to represent these support functions. 

    Check the overview of us, who work with research, project finance, HR, and communication in the faculty administration.  

    The Application Process 

    It is important to start the planning process early.

    How can we support you?

    As early as possible

    • Contact us to clarify the support you require. We can set up a progress plan and assist you up until the application deadline.  
    • Our research advisors can help evaluate whether the project’s idea aligns with the requirements. 
    • You must also inform us if you plan to participate as a partner in an application submitted from another department or faculty.  
    • BOA-HF is responsible for coordinating tasks between the Division of Research and Innovation (FIA), the Faculty, the Department, and external consulting companies.  

    Preparation of the application budget

    • The budget is developed in collaboration with the applicant, financial advisor, and research advisor.  
    • The budget and application must always be approved by the Head of Department/Center before submission.   

    The Application Portal

    • Create an e-application in the application portal of the funder and give access to the Head of the Department/Center and Kirsten Moen (boa-hf@uib.no). BOA-HF will assist in quality checking the application.

    HF’s application process for Research Council's Researcher Project-calls

    In collaboration with the Faculty of Social Science, the Faculty of Humanities has developed an ‘NFR Timeline’ for researchers considering or planning to apply for a FRIPRO or thematic research project call from the Research Council of Norway (NFR). This timeline consists of several workshops designed to assist in the development of the application, ensuring it can be finalized and submitted by Spring 2025. The workshops are open to academic staff at all career stages.


    NFR (Research Council) application reading day (09-15:30)

    This is the first event for this Spring. During this event, you will have the opportunity to review successful NFR applications from both thematic and FRIPRO calls and see how a successful project can be structured. Please note that the applications will be only available as paper copies and cannot be taken out. You are welcome to drop by at any time during the day and stay as long as you wish.


    One page proposal workshop (10-12)

    During this workshop, we will provide tips on developing a strong one-page proposal to kickstart their application process. It is designed for researchers in the early stages of their application phase who need assistance in transforming their research ideas into compelling proposals. To participate, you must have completed your one-page proposal in advance and bring it with you to the workshop.

    Here you can find the template for the One-Page Proposal.


    Impact and Implementation workshop (09-12)

    This workshop is divided into two sessions: Impact (2 hours) and Implementation (1 hour).

    • Impact Session: This 2-hour session will delve into the concept of ‘impact,’ its significance, and how to effectively write an impact chapter for your application.
    • Implementation Session: In this 1-hour session, we will guide you on structuring and writing the implementation section of your project, ensuring that the methodology, timeline, and work packages are clearly aligned.

    Deadline for submitting draft for the NFR proposal workshop 21.05. Applications must be sent to boa-hf@uib.no


    NFR proposal workshop (09-12)

    This is the last event for this Spring. The workshop consists solely of group work, where participants provide feedback on each other’s application drafts. Everyone will receive an application to read in advance. Participation requires that you have an almost completed application.

    Have you been awarded funding for your project? 

    If your project has received funding, it is important to inform the Department/Center and BOA-HF.

    Start-up meetings

    Together with the Department/Center, the Section for Research and Communication will set up a start-up meeting for new projects. For some projects, a pre-start-up meeting may be necessary, ideally when the project has been granted funding.  

    During the start-up meeting, representatives from the Department/Center, Section for Economy, Section for HR, and Section for Research and Communication will participate. We will examine the project and determine the different roles. We will assist with: 

    • A plan for financial follow-up and reporting to the funding source. 
    • A plan for prospective employment.  
    • A review of potential partnership agreements, data management plans, and routines for internal monitoring. 
    • Other clarifications such as the admission of PhD candidates, planned events, etc.  


    Contracts, agreements, and collaboration

    In all research collaborations in which UiB participates in, either as project owner or partner, contracts and collaboration agreements must be entered into. A research contract secures the rights of the parties involved.

    • Coordinator projects: The contract is between the project owner/coordinator and the external funding source.  
    • Cooperation project: A cooperation agreement is between the project owner/coordinator and the partners.  

    UiB is the project owner in coordinator projects.  All agreements are prepared by the faculty’s Section for Research and Communication and validated by lawyers from the Division of Research and Innovation (FIA). All the contracts are initialed by the Head of Department/Center and signed by FIA. If you are a partner in a research project, the cooperation agreement is initialed by the Head of Department/Center and signed by FIA.  

    You will receive help with contract negotiations, but here are some important points to bear in mind: 

    • What is the relationship between the ownership of the project background and the ownership of results? 
    • What will you do with the project results? 
    • Have provisions been made with regards to publications? 
    • Will the project involve IPR (Intellectual Property Rights)? 

    Project management

    FIA has created an overview of the different project phases including project management  

    Relevant calls

    The following list is regularly updated with a selection of upcoming application deadlines for calls that focus humanities research.   

    The Research Council of Norway (RCN) | FRIPRO 

    FRIPRO calls - Open-ended deadline
    FRIPRO is an open, national competetive arena that promotes free, basic and excellent research. There are no thematic restrictions; the project ideas come from the researchers themselves. FRIPRO has three calls. The applications are reviewed on an ongoing basis, which means you can apply at any time. You can only be the project leader for one application at a time.

    Three-year Researcher Project with International Mobility 
    For researchers who are at the start of their research career. The project coordinator must have submitted their doctoral thesis before submitting their first application. In addition, it must be less than seven years since the doctoral defence. The project lasts for 3 years, in which project coordinator will be abroad the first two years, and in Norway the third year.

    Researcher Project for Early Career Scientists
    For researchers at an early stage in their careers who have shown potential to conduct high-quality scientific research. All researchers with 2 to 7 years of experience following an approved doctorate may apply. The project lasts for 3 to 4 years. You can apply for funding to cover expenses for yourself, other researchers and operating costs. 

    Researcher Project for Experienced Scientists 
    For researchers that have achieved an approved doctorate a minimum of 6 years prior to the application deadline or an approved associate professor qualification. The call is reserved for researchers who are experts in their research field. The project lasts for 3 to 8 years. You can apply for funding to cover expenses for yourself, other researchers and operating costs. 

    Horizon Europe  |  ERC and MSCA

    MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships
    A 1 to 3 years scholarship for outstanding researchers with a doctorate and international mobility. Researchers of any nationality may apply.
    Deadline: 10th September 2025 (annual call)

    ERC Starting Grant
    A grant of up to 1.5€ million for 5 years.
    For talented researchers of any nationality, early in their career, with 2 to 7 years of experience following their completed PhD, who have produced excellent work, are ready to work independently, have potential to be a research coordinator, and have a scientific track record that shows great potential. 
    Deadline: tentative 15th October 2025 (annual call)

    Horizon Europe / ERC Consolidator Grant
    A grant of up to 2€ million for a 5 years.
    For researchers of any nationality with 7 to 12 years of experience following their completed PhD, who wish to consolidate their independence by establishing a research team and continue to develop a successful career in Europe. You may also apply if you recently established an independent, outstanding research team and you wish to strengthen the team.  
    Deadline: 14th January 2025 (annual call)

    Horisont Europa / ERC Advanced Grant
    A grant of up to 2.5€ million for 5 years. 
    For experienced senior researchers of any nationality with a scientific track record which shows groundbreaking research throughout their career, also during the last 10 years.
    Deadline: tentative 28th August 2025 (annual call) 

    Horizon Europe / ERC Synergy Grant
    A grant of 100€ million for 6 years.
    For research projects that aim to tackle ambitious research questions that may only be answered through coordinated work by a small group of 2 to 4 research coordinators.  
    Deadline: tentative November 2025