The HSE-gateway

HSE risk assessment and safe job analysis (SJA)

The working environment legislation states that businesses must map hazards and problems and, on this basis, assess risks, as well as prepare related plans and measures to reduce the risk conditions. This must be documented in writing.

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By mapping and risk assessing hazards and undesired events that may occur at the unit, one can implement measures to prevent such undesired events from happening, as well as measures to reduce the consequences of undesired events that do occur. In this way, risk assessments contribute to a safer working environment.

HSE risk assessments are a part of the systematic HSE work at UiB. HSE risk assessments must be repeated regularly (updated annually), in the event of changes that may have an impact on the risk conditions, and in connection with new machinery and equipment, which may have an impact on health, the working environment and safety.