IFT Group Has Been Awarded a Petromaks2 Grant
Together with UiS / Norce and UT Austin (USA), Prof. Martin Fernø's group has received funding for the project "Foam Dynamics in the Presence of Oil during Multiphase Flow in Porous Rock".
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UiS / Norce is the leader of the project. The IFT-group has received one PhD position plus an operation budget for the Institute. The project starts on April 1, 2019 and the PhD position starts on January 1, 2020.
Petromaks2 is a program that is intended to ensure the extraction and optimization of Norwegian petroleum resources while also taking the environment into account. The program board for PETROMAKS 2 has allocated NOK 235 million to 23 new research and innovation projects within the petroleum sector.
The funding announcement for Petromaks2 can be found here. The proposals that were awarded in January 2019 can be found here.