About Us
Consistently ranked as one of Norway´s best computer science departments, The Department of Informatics at UiB endeavours to provide quality education and internationally recognized research.
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The Department of Informatics at the University of Bergen is rated as one of the top ICT institutes in Norway by the Research Council of Norway, and was rated as the best institute in 2012. Most recently, the “Joint Master´s Programme in Software Engineering,” in cooperation with Bergen University College, is the country´s highest ranking masters degrees in scientific and technical subjects according to Studiebarometeret.
The department´s mission is to maintain an internationally recognized level of excellence in both research and teaching. The department fosters a diverse academic environment where it´s students and faculty are given the tools and support necessary to be the best they can be. Through outreach activities, it plays a leading role in integrating quality Computer Science education throughout various communities in Norway.
The department offers several data-oriented Bachelor programs, taught solely in Norwegian, and two Masters programs, the Master´s Programme in Informatics and the Joint Master's Program in Software Engineering, which are both taught exclusively in English. The deadline to apply for all study programs is April 15.
There are 8 research groups in the Department of Informatics: Algorithms, Bioinformatics, Didactics, Machine Learning, Optimization, Programming Theory, Reliable Communication, and Visualization. There is also one Research Center associated with the department, The Computational Biology Unit. Each group supervises masters student projects and offers diverse and exciting PhD and research positions. More information about these opportunities can be found on each group´s webpage.