Positionality, Power and Privilege in Research. 19th May 2022
The workshop critically explored positionality as a concept and looked at how it shapes the kinds of questions, we as researchers ask and how we relate to our participants. Specifically, the workshop provided a space for reflection on what privileges and power relations are at play between researchers and their research participants, and why these matter.

Main content
During the event, attendees had the opportunity to discuss the concepts of 'positionality, power and privilege' in light of an article by the main presenter Rabia Ali (Reading shared below). They also had a chance to listen to the reflections of more experienced scholars on how their positionality shapes their work. This was followed by a Q & A session.
Reading List
Rabia Ali (2015) Rethinking representation: negotiating positionality, power and space in the field, Gender, Place & Culture, 22:6, 783-800, DOI: 10.1080/0966369X.2014.917278