IMER Bergen's 25th Anniversary Celebration 2–4 November 2022
International Migration and Ethnic Relations Research Unit (IMER Bergen) is delighted to welcome you to celebrate 25 years of engaging in outstanding research and dissemination within the field. The program awaits you with engaging topics and conversations and contributions from both local and external researchers.

Main content
The first day of the conference is dedicated to a PhD-relay* organized by the IMER junior scholar network, in which PhD candidates are invited to present their projects and receive feedback from experienced senior scholars in the field. Venue: Bergen Global, Jekteviksbakken 31, 5006 Bergen
On the second and third days of the event, we offer a varied program with panel debates and conversations about timely issues. Four esteemed keynote speakers from the Nordics will discuss research at the interface of migration studies and ethnic relations—from the importance of a temporal lens, the relationship between minorities and majorities, and the relevance of a critical political economy foundation for IMER research to the politics of knowledge production in our field. Venue: Grand Hotel Terminus: Zander Kaaes gate 6, 5015 Bergen.
Registration for both events is closed.
If you have questions about the conference, please contact IMER leader Kari Hagatun:
For questions about the PhD relay, please contact IMER jr. coordinator Joanna Spyra:
For updated information on the event, sign up for our newsletter on our website:
About the keynote speakers
Christine M. Jacobsen is a Professor of Social Anthropology at the University of Bergen, Norway, working mainly with questions related to migration and diversity. She was Research Director at IMER Bergen (2010-11), and Director of the Centre for Women’s and Gender Research (2014-20) before joining UiB’s Anthropology Department. Jacobsen’s current research uses temporality as an analytical lens to examine power relations and experiences in irregular migration, a topic developed in the edited volume Waiting and the Temporalities of Irregular Migration (Routledge 2020). She leads a WP in the EU-funded PROTECT The Right to International Protection.
Mikkel Rytter is Professor at the Department of Anthropology, Aarhus University, Denmark. His research interests include family and kinship, marriage, family reunification, transnationalism, minority-majority relations, Islam and Muslims, Sufism and sorcery. He is currently working on two research projects with refugees in Denmark. The first project (TemPro) investigates the impact and consequences of temporary protection, and the other project (Reorienting Integration) focuses on UNHCR-refugees’ re- orientation and convoluted ways into Danish worlds.
Peo Hansen is Professor of Political Science at the Institute for Research on Migration, Ethnicity and Society (REMESO), Linköping University, Sweden. His research areas include EU migration policy, political economy, citizenship and post-war European geopolitics. He is the author of several books on European integration, including (with Stefan Jonsson; 2014) Eurafrica: The Untold History of European Integration and Colonialism and, most recently, A Modern Migration Theory: An Alternative Economic Approach to Failed EU Policy (2021).
Lena Näre is Professor of Sociology at the University of Helsinki, Finland. She holds a DPhil in Migration Studies from the University of Sussex, UK and a PhD in Sociology from the University of Helsinki. Her research focuses on migration, asylum, transnationalism, ageing, care work, precarity and ethnographic methods. Her research has been published in Sociology, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, Citizenship Studies, Journal of European Social Policy, among others. She is the Editor-in-Chief of the Nordic Journal of Migration Research (Helsinki UP) and Associate Editor of Global Social Challenges Journal (Bristol UP).