
Global Research Programme on Inequality

Main content

Image of teheran with the GRIP logo on top

The Global Research Programme on Inequality (GRIP) is a collaboration between the University of Bergen (UiB) and International Science Council (ISC). GRIP is an interdisciplinary research programme dedicated to understanding and addressing rising inequalities in all world regions. GRIP’s approach is committed to epistemological openness, methodological diversity, and the co-production of knowledge. It seeks to integrate plural traditions, various knowledge discourses, and multiple modes of research.


GRIP’s mission is to develop an international network of interdisciplinary inequality researchers, produce original contributions to the inequality debate, and support the UiB and ISC engagement with global inequalities. GRIP aims to identify potential pathways towards greater equality by understanding global and local contestations over inequality and producing actionable research to contribute to systemic transformations and more sustainable and equal futures. GRIP’s work is informed by a long historical and global conjuncture of increasing inequalities and recent acceleration of political and intellectual concerns about inequality. There is an urgent and broadly shared sense that current elevated inequality levels are not only unjust and inefficient, but also unsustainable.


Unless otherwise stated, all images are from Johnny Miller, Unequal Scenes.


Our homepage is GripInequality.org.

Open Calls
Black and white photo of a mass of people at the Hong Kong protest

Calls for contributions

GRIP has several miniseries and projects which are open to contributions. Please check this site for our most recent calls.


GRIP publishes incisive and relevant academic texts in a variety of formats.

See our publications here: Publications - GRIP (gripinequality.org)

GRIP publications are available via BORA, the institutional online research archive at the University of Bergen.


All previous CROP publications can be found on CROP’s website including the CLACSO-CROP series.