3. Living in Bergen
Main content
What you need to know about living in Bergen.
Essential information
Health services
Health care system in Norway and information on finding a doctor.
Language courses
Norwegian language courses.
Social security and other insurances
A guide to help you navigate the essentials of Norwegian insurances.
Tax in Norway
Explanation of the tax system in Norway, getting a tax card, and tax seminars.
Trade unions
Being a member of a trade union is very common and widely accepted. Read more about the largest unions at the university here.
Useful information
Exploring Bergen
There is more to life than work, and this especially applies to Bergen. In this beautiful city amongst the seven mountains, there is always something to do. Go explore and enjoy! Here are some tips to help you get the most out of your stay in the most beautiful city of Norway.
Internet and telephone
Mobile phone, WiFi access at the university and at home.
Moving within Norway
Check what to do when you are moving within Norway.
New in Norway
Check out the information and useful tips for your life in Bergen.
Public services
Information on national services like NAV, HelseNorge, DigiPost, etc.
Renewal of residence permit
How to renew your work permit or become a permanent resident in Norway.
How to move around Bergen, things to consider when using a car or public transportation.
Work related and private travel information.