
Department of Education

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Picture of Christies gate 12


Head of Department: Kjersti Lea
Deputy: Anne Homme
Head of Administration: Øystein Steine Larsen

Christies gate 12, 3rd floor
Telephone: +47 55584800
E-mail: post@psyip.uib.no

For all questions regarding study programs:
+47 55582710 / studieveileder.psyfa@uib.no

Rune Johan Krumsvik, Institutt for pedagogikk, Det psykologiske fakultet, UiB

AI center aims to prevent exclusion in education

The AI center initiative, Digital Learning Communities AI Centre, led by Rune Johan Krumsvik, aims to increase AI competence in education. The researchers will build on findings about how AI can be used as a sparring partner in student assessments