Research Group for Climate, Energy and Environmental Law
Research group for Natural Resource Law, Environmental Law and Development Law

Affiliated master students

The research group for Natural Resource Law, Environmental Law and Development Law is affiliated with several master students who are writing their master thesis on a subject related to one of our research fields. On this page you can find information on current master students affiliated to the research group and read more on potential supervisors.

Main content

Several of our members supervise master students writing their thesis on natural resource law, environmental law or development law:

  • Ignacio Herrera Anchustegui supervises students writing in the fields of offshore energy, energy markets, electricity rules, state aid and energy, competition law and energy, procurement by utilities, among other topics.
  • Sigrid Eskeland Shütz supervises students writing in the fields of environmental impact assessment, marine strategisk and spatial planning, licensing, multiuse, offshore wind, carbon capture utilization and storage, offshore aquaculture, marine plastic, sustainable development.
  • Eirik Finseraas supervises students writing in the fields of: international environmental law (energy & climate change-related law and policy), international law, international trade law, carriage of goods by sea, among other topics.
  • Catalina Vallejo Piedrahíta supervises students writing in the fields of climate change litigation, climate change governance, international law, international environmental law, international human rights law, legal and socio legal studies with an area focus on Latin America, and the intersection between peace & conflict and legal studies.       
  • Ingunn Elise Myklebust supervises students writing in the fields of property law, local government law, area management, and topics related to the land act, the pollution control act, energy law and the aquaculture act. In addition, she supervises students writing in the fields of administrative law, constitutional law and labour law. 

Master students currently in our group