Faculty of Law

Compulsory attendance at lectures and seminars at the Faculty of Law

Here you will find more information about the requirements for compulsory attendance.

Jusstudenter ved UiB trives godt med studieordningen
Emil Breistein

Main content

There is a correlation between students’ participation in teaching and their performance in exams. Therefore, participation is mandatory in most courses in the Master’s programme in Law. Mandatory elements can include attendance at lectures and seminars, writing papers, group asignments, oral presentations, peer reviews etc.

You can find the rules on mandatory participation in the Supplementary regulations for studies at the Faculty of Law § 2-5.

Elective bachelor-level courses

There are mandatory work requirements and teaching activities for elective bachelor-level courses.

See the course description of each course for an overview. There is more variation here than there has been in the mandatory subjects earlier in the study. More specific information about the required attendance and activities for each course will be made available in Mitt UiB.

Elective master-level courses

It varies from course to course whether and how much teaching is compulsory, for example, master classes. Several courses also have other compulsory teaching activities such as papers, presentations, etc. See the course description for for an overview. More specific information about the required attendance and activities for each course will be made available in Mitt UiB.

For students who do not choose to study abroad during the 5th year of study, it is a requirement that one of the elective courses in the degree should have English as teaching language. Read more in § 2-2 of the faculty’s supplementary regulations where exceptions also appear.

How is participation in compulsory education registered?

Attendance at compulsory lectures and seminars is recorded by signing the attendance list.

For both compulsory lectures and seminar groups, only participation in both sessions counts as valid attendance. It is your own responsibility to ensure that you sign the attendance list – remember that no signature = absence. You cannot register attendance retrospectively or in groups other than your own, and a group leader can at any time call the roll and dismiss students who do not belong to the group.

For elective courses at the bachelor’s level and courses at the master’s level, the method of recording and calculating attendance varies from course to course. The course description indicates whether there are compulsory elements. On the course page in MittUiB, you will find a detailed overview.

What happens in case of non-participation?

If your course participation cannot be approved, you should be notified of this by the faculty no later than the day before the exam, cf. the faculty’s supplementary regulations § 2-5, item 4.

The decision can be appealed, but the case will normally not be resolved before the exam. In that case, you will be able to attend the examination in the usual way. Your exam paper will then be withheld from grading until a decision in the appeal case is made.

Can I apply for an exemption?

No. Exemptions are not granted for compulsory teaching activities.

For courses with a minimum attendance and participation requirement of for example 75% or 7 out of 10, the requirement is absolute.

Absence beyond the set maximum limit is not accepted, even if the lack of participation is due to obstacles that you cannot be blamed for, including sickness absence and the like.

In special cases, however, the faculty can still design individually adapted compulsory teaching activities if you can document that you cannot meet the participation requirement without unreasonable strain due to your own or close persons’ illness, mandatory military exercises, care for your own children in connection with birth or adoption, or for other weighty academic or welfare reasons.

Information about the application process can be found here. The application must be received by the faculty no later than three weeks before the exam and in time for the adaptation to actually be implemented before the exam. Adapted teaching activities should ensure that learning objectives, learning outcomes and total workload are maintained. See the faculty’s supplementary regulations § 2-5, item 5.