Accessibility guide
The whole of Dragfjellet is accessible by wheelchair users.

Main content
The building consists of three parts: Dragfjellet school, JUS1, containing the canteen and auditoria and JUS2 which has some tuition rooms. The buildings are interconnected with an indoor courtyard, footbridge and lifts.
The main entrance to the Law building is from Magnus Lagabøtes plass 1. At first you enter the the gateway of old Dragefjellet school. Between this and JUS1 (6th floor) there is a slope. There is also an entrance from the lower side of JUS1 (2nd floor).
The address of JUS 2 is Jekteviksbakken 31, while the entrance to the tuition rooms is gained from Torborg Nedreaas street.
There is reserved parking for persons with a handicap at the main entrance and in the garage below JUS2, entrance by the driveway.
Auditoria and tuition rooms
There is a reserved space for wheelchairs at the front of the auditoria. All tuition rooms are accessible by wheelchairs, but in the auditorium of JUS2 there are steps down to the podium. The tuition rooms in JUS2 have an entrance from Torborg Nedreaas street, but wheelchair users can use the staff entrance from JUS1, 4th floor and take the lift down.
The canteen is located half a staircase down from the area outside the auditoria. There is a lift for wheelchair users.
Reading rooms, offices and rest rooms
At Dragefjellet school there are a couple of offices reserved for students with disabilities. The Faculty manages applications for space here. The rest room is located in close proximity, and is open all day.
All the reading rooms are accessible by wheelchairs, and you can apply for a reserved space at the Faculty.
The Faculty can assist with any necessary adaptation.
There are teleloops in all the auditoria (IR system) and in some of the seminar rooms.