Center for Neuropsychiatric Disorders

About the Centre

The Research Centre is located at the Department of Biomedicine on the Haukeland University Hospital campus. The mission of K.G. Jebsen Centre for Neuropsychiatric Disorders (KGJN) is to perform interdisciplinary translational research on neuropsychiatric disorders, with an emphasis on attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and related neurodevelopmental disorders.

Haukeland hospital campus
The Haukeland University Hospital campus

Main content

The KGJN research centre is comprised of a highly interdisciplinary team of researchers, ranging from experts in structural biology to epidemiology. We believe this is necessary to face the challenge of understanding complex disorders of the brain at the level of detail where novel treatments can be discovered. Although many aspects of neuropsychiatric disorders are being intensively investigated at different locations around the world, the interdisciplinary approach of the Centre is unique in Norway.

Research collaboration is important for the activity of our Centre. KGJN has extensive collaboration nationally as well as internationally and is now an active partner in four different EU-projects: Aggresso-type under FP7, MiND (ITN) and CoCA under the H2020 programme and CIRCPROT under Joint Programme - Neurodegenerative Disease Research.