Vibrational spectroscopy
In the two laboratories there are spectrometers for FTIR, NIR with fibre optics, Raman with fibre optics and VIS/NIR with fibre optics
Main content
File and spectra transfer
Spectral software
Nicolet Protege 460 FTIR
Standard laboratory spectrometer with numerous sample accessories.
A diamond-ATR cell eliminates most sample preparation.
Spectral range: 6000-400 cm-1 (ATR 4000-650 cm-1) User guide :::>
Perstorp NIRSystems 6500
Fibre optical cable. Two probes, for liquids or solids.
Aqueous, liquids, films, powders, solids and biolgical samples.
Spectral range 700-2500 nm (14285-4000 cm-1)
RamanRxn1 Analyzer
Fibre optical cable for analysing and monitoring chemical processes.
Aqueous, liquids, films, powders, solids and biolgical samples. Non-contact sampling possibilties.
Spectral range: 3800-0 cm-1
Spectrum One NTS FT-NIR
Near infrared reflectance accessory (NIRA) for diffuse reflectance measurements of solids, liquids and powders.
Spectral range: 14700-2000 (NIRA 14300-4000) cm-1
Mini-instrument, fully portable with USB connection to lap-top confuser.
Spectral range: 400-1100 nm (25000 -9090 cm-1)
Thermo Nicolet iS50R
Research grade spectrometer with numerous sample accessories.
Built-in Diamond ATR Module. Spectral range DLaTGS detector (5000-80 cm-1)