Faculty of Fine Art, Music and Design

Information regarding extraordinary amendments to examination of MAKU 4, Spring 2021

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During the examination assessment, students are evaluated on the basis of the learning outcomes established for the master’s programme. Normally, the examination consists of a presentation and a discussion, that includes a viewing and critical evaluation of the candidate’s artwork and the written reflection.

This basis for assessment has now been changed, since we are unsertain of the conduct the practical part; the production of artworks and the mounting of them in Kunsthallen. The learning outcomes remains the same, but the basis for assessment has been adjusted. We refer to the Studyplan (MAKUNST), course description (MAKU 4) and Assessment and examination - MA Fine Art for details of the learning outcome. these documents are available in the exam information page in MittUiB.

The examination assessment will be undertaken by a panel consisting of one or two external examiners and the candidate’s main supervisor, through Zoom. Under these circumstances, where access to workshops and studio-space with the school have been limited, the sensors will be instructed to be highly flexible in their assessment of what is reasonable expectation of achievement. The grades used is passed / not-passed. Passed exam will generate 30 ECTS.

New assessment form for the spring semester 2021

For the spring semester 2021, the Art Academy has changed the content required for the folder that`s up for examination:

Ordinary exam folder consists of a total assessment of the following three components:

  1. Written thesis
  2. Exhibition
  3. Oral presentation/conversation 

The extraordinary exam folder, for the spring semester of 2021, consists of a total assessment of the following two components:

  1. Written thesis, submitted on March 30. at 12.00 (noon)
  2. Oral presentation and conversation through Zoom, in week 16

Information about the content of the oral presentation (in week 16)

The oral presentation will be done through Zoom (The candidate will receive an invitation link closer as we approach the exam week).

This is a 50 minuttes presentation, and should focus on the development and completion of the master project. This is a presentation mainly for the exteral sensors.

Timeline for the examinations

 Suggested time:
the candidate presents their projects*50 minutes
discussion amongst examiners only40 minutes
further questions and conversation between the candidate and the sensors20 minutes
final discussion between examiners only to decide a pass or fail of the candidate10 minutes


*Guidelines for the oral presentation

  • The candidate will give an introduction to his/her artistic practice.
  • The candidate will give a description of the work/s, including medium, material, size, format and other relevant information that are helpful in understanding the work
  • The candidate will give a description of how this work could be manifested physically in the exhibition space and the intention for showing/displaying it (White cube, black box etc.). For this part, the candidate may use documentation from an already realized exhibtion.
  • The candidate will give a visuell presentation in the form of photo/drawings, illustrations that will present how the work was intended completed. (Here the candidate may use maximum 10 photos/illustrations, and/or a video (maximum 5 minutes) for timebased works.
  • The presentation must be made as a keynote/powerpoint that will be sent to the sensors for the internal discussion. The presentation may be sent to the tutor the day before the oral presentation, or right after the oral presentation.