Faculty of Fine Art, Music and Design
KMD Internal Funds

Call for applications: Strategic and Internal Funds at the Faculty of Fine Art, Music and Design

The faculty announces project funds intended to increase the research activity and research quality at the faculty and to improve KMD’s capabilities for external funding.

Main content

The faculty accepts applications for funding within the following categories and funding scales

Category Amount               

1. Scientific research 50 000 NOK – 300 000 NOK  
2. Artistic research 50 000 NOK – 300 000 NOK 
3. Research-based education 50 000 NOK – 300 000 NOK  
4. Publication support     max. 100 000 NOK  

The application must describe aims and overall ambitions of the project, and the applicant needs to show how the project aligns with The  Faculty of Fine Art, Music and Design Strategic Plan  (in Norwegian only)

Funding for scientific research, artistic research, research based education and publication support is meant to stimulate project development and network-building resulting in larger applications for external funding from e.g. the Horizon Europe and Creative Europe programmes, the Arts Council Norway, the Erasmus+, NorHEAD, Norplus and Quality programmes in HK-dir.  Interdisciplinary and/or interfaculty collaboration is encouraged where it strengthens the project. Where applicable, the applications need to include information about additional funding sources. Application for publication support should reflect on print circulation where relevant and consider the distribution and market potential of the publication. All applications should consider ethical dimensions of the activity and attach a progress plan and a budget for the planned activities.The KMD budget excel form should be used and uploaded together with the application.

The results of research projects and artistic research should be made available through KMD’s portal in Research Catalogue. Other channels for dissemination of results should be included in the application. 

Formal requirements

Submission: Applications are submitted in Research Catalogue (please follow the instructions below)
Submission deadline: 15 November at 12:00 pm (noon) 
Eligible applicants: Applicants must be employed at KMD in a permanent or fixed-term position
Project period: The project needs to start within within the first three months of 2024 and shall normally be executed within a year.


The applications are evaluated and assessed on project quality, relevance to KMD and expected outcomes. The applications are reviewed in an assessment meeting by the faculty leader group with a representative from the research administration. The result of the evaluation process will be ready approximately one month after the submission deadline.

How to submit your application in Research Catalogue (RC)

KMD researchers must log in to portal: https://www.researchcatalogue.net/portal/login using their RC username and password or through FEIDE (using UiB e-mail address and password). After logging in you will see your profile page. Press the ‘create application’ button on the profile page and choose ‘KMD Internal Funds 2024 – application template’ from the dropdown menu. Remember to save regularly as you fill out the form and make sure that all sections marked with a small * are filled out.

The budget must be uploaded in PDF format (using save as .pdf in Microsoft Excel). Numbers in the applied for sum should not contain any spaces and the boxes should not have any red borders. The red borders around boxes indicate an error or incomplete information in the boxes.

Complete the form while saving regularly and press the ‘status’ tab where you will find the ‘submit’ button. Confirm the submission by pressing ‘yes’ in the window that appears. You will receive a short confirmation message in RC and an email that confirms a successful submission.

If you have any questions regarding the application and the Research Catalogue web site, send an email to: anne-len.thoresen@uib.no or forskning.kmd@uib.no