Faculty of Fine Art, Music and Design
Research project at the Grieg Academy


- Use of music microanalysis to explore parental contributions to premature infant regulation in the neonatal context

11 deltagere fra oppstartsmøtet til prosjektet. Avbildet  ute i botaniske hage med paraplyer i ulike farger.
Project group at the kick-off meeting

Main content

In the SOUNDING RELATION project, we will carefully study moment-to-moment interactions that take place between parents and infants who engage in music therapy while hospitalized following preterm birth. Our aim is to understand how parents musically contribute to the regulation of their infants and themselves within this intensive context. We will use detailed analysis of video and audiorecordings from music therapy sessions that occurred during the LongSTEP project. LongSTEP was a quantitative research project involving 213 families recruited from neonatal wards at eight hospitals in Argentina, Colombia, Israel, Norway and Poland.

Feedback from sites and participants in LongSTEP highlighted the importance of musical interaction between parents and infants, but such experiences were not reflected in the quantitative data. In Sounding Relation, we aim to identify what parents, infants, music therapists and staff do that support beneficial parent-infant regulation. The goal of new analysis of the video material is to arrive at a nuanced understanding of what happens in a musical meeting between parents and children, in a way that opens up for various perspectives.

We will do microanalyses on a selection of videos and transcribe the interaction between parents, the child and the music therapist, movements and gestures, sounds and singing. This makes it possible to understand the child's behavior and response in context. We will also transcribe what happens in the surrounding sound environment, from e.g. medical devices. The material from the microanalysis will be taken into an interdisciplinary focus group consisting of parents, a professor of composition, a nurse, a music therapist, a music sociologist and a clinical psychologist. There they will look at the parents' contribution to interaction and the child's health from a socio-ecological perspective and emphasize the musical and aesthetic aspects of the newborn ward. 

Project group members

Core team

  • Claire Ghetti (GAMUT, UiB) principal investigator, music therapy
  • Eva Marija Vukich (GAMUT, UiB) PhD candidate, music therapy
  • Maren Metell (GAMUT, UiB) postdoctoral fellow, music therapy
  • Synne Måsvær Halle (GAMUT, UiB), research assistant, music therapy
  • Thomas De Ridder (UiB), research advisement
  • Łucja Bieleninik (GAMUT, NORCE; University of Gdansk), psychology
  • Hanne Cecilie Braarud (RKBU, NORCE), clinical psychology
  • Andreas Størksen Stordal (Energy, NORCE; UiB), statistics
  • Tia DeNora (University of Exeter), music sociology
  • Ulla Holck (Aalborg University), music therapy
  • Marcela Lichtensztejn (UCES), music therapy 

Reference group

    • Dániel Peter Biró (UiB), composition
    • Signe Hjelen Stige (UiB), expert-by-experience, and clinical psychology
    • Karin Mössler (Bergen kommune, culture school), music therapy
    • Shmuel Arnon (Meir Medical Center; Sackler School of Music, Tel-Aviv University), neonatology
    • Friederike Haslbeck (University Hospital of Zurich), music therapy


    Får tolv millioner fra NFR for å forske på musikkterapi med premature [Gets 12 millions from NFR for researching music therapy with prematures]

    Nyfødte opplevde mindre smerte når de hørte på musikk [Newborns experiences less pain when listening to music]

    Shoemark, H., Ghetti, C., & Ettenberger, M. (2023, July 28). Centering the family in practice and research in the NICU. Workshop given at World Congress of Music Therapy. Vancouver, Canada.

    Podcast interview regarding user involvement in research: music therapy with premature infants, Alrekpodden (Podcast of Alrek Helseklynge) (Interviewer Berit Angelskår, in Norwegian) 

    Forskning om resurssorientert musikkterapi for premature barn og deres foreldre [Research on resource-oriented music therapy with premature children and their parents]. Presentation at GA# (GA sharp), Grieg Academy, Universitity in Bergen, February, 2023. C. Ghetti

    Sounding Relation: Use of music microanalysis to explore parental contributions to premature infant regulation in the neonatal context. Presentation dialogue at GA# (GA sharp), Grieg Academy, Universitity in Bergen, October, 2023. E. Vukich & C. Ghetti