Webinar recording

Webinar for applicants to LEAD AI fellowships

Want to apply for a LEAD AI post-doc fellowship and contribute to cutting-edge research and shape the future of artificial intelligence? The webinar that was held in call 1 gives valuable information about the application process. You may now see the recording.

UiB LEAD AI Applicant`s webinar


Main content

LEAD AI is a career and mobility fellowship program at the University of Bergen for training postdoctoral fellows in artificial intelligence. 

In the first call, we have announced 11 posistions across scientific disiplines: 

  • AI Excellence: Explore foundational and theoretical AI
  • AI for Society: Investigate AI applications in scientific domains.
  • Responsible AI, for People, and Society: Address legal and ethical challenges related to AI.

These positions offer exciting opportunities to contribute to cutting-edge research and shape the future of artificial intelligence. Join us on this transformative journey, as a future LEAD AI fellow. 

The application deadline is 21 May 2024 for all 11 announcements.  

Webinar Program 

Please not that the webinar has passed, but we have recorded the presentations that were held. 

13:00:  Welcome and presentations 
          Guro Akre, LEAD AI Programme Administrative Manager

13:05:  Introduction to LEAD AI and UiB 
          Inge Jonassen, LEAD AI Scientific Coordinator, and Head of Department of Informatics

13:15:  Practical information about the application process,
          Guro Akre and
          Chris-Andre Karlsen Østevold HR coordinator LEAD AI 

13:25:  Questions and answers


Questions and answers

The following questions were answered during the seminar: 

Q: Recommendation letters are optional: How are they to be submitted?

A: We suggest to make one PDF out of all your recommendations letters, and submit as a PDF named surname_name_references. See this website:  https://www.uib.no/en/node/169250/


Q: how many recommendation letters are encouraged?

A: We did not specify a number, but submit all that might be relevant.


Q: Can you say something about mobility? Should the applicant have decided potential instituion for mobility?

A: For outgoing fellows it is a mandatory uninterrupted stay outside of Norway for 12 months. Where to go should be discussed with UiB already in the application process, and specified in the “outgoing host declaration”.


Q: My PhD diploma is not in English or Norwegian, but I have a document written in English from my doctoral school stating I received my PhD. Is it enough or should I translate the diploma?
A: We suggest to make a translation of you diploma to submit with the original one.


Q: How strong is the binding with the external mobility declaration? Can it be amended or changed to another institution after the acceptance or later in the position?

A: Yes, it can be changed, but a discussion with you host research group at UiB/supervisor should always be a part of this decision.


Q: Where can we go as outgoing fellows, is there a list?

A: There is no list, but the UiB research group might have suggestions and opinions in this. You should discuss it with your supervisor/host research group.


Q: What happens if I get sick or pregnant during my outgoing period?
A: It depends on the particular case. It might or might not be possible to continue at the same place after a leave period due to reasons outside our control. Either way, you are entitled to leave for sickness and for parental leave according to Norwegian legislation.


Q: It the cost for outgoing travel covered by UiB?

A: Yes, there is funding for outgoing travel, and also secondments during your employment period.


Q: Is there funding for the full position, or do I need to apply for more funding for my research?

A: There is funding for the fixed period that it stated in the announcement text. However, some positions might be extended another year if you manage to get additional funding.


Q: Is it possible to visit other institutions for shorter periods, also for incoming fellows?

A: Yes, this might be possible, and should be discussed with your host research group at UiB. 


Q: Will the expert committee have experts from relevant fields for the position?

A: Yes, each positions has its own expert committee with expertise in the relevant research field.


Q: How long after the deadline will the recruiting process take?

A: It is estimated to take around 4 months.