Department of Mathematics

Health, Safety, Environment (HSE)

Information about Health, Safety and Environment for the Mathematics Department.

Illustration. A hand writing Health, Safety and environment
illustration picture from Colourbox

Main content

Safety representatives look after the employees' interests in matters concerning the working environment, are involved in UiB's health, environment and safety work, and collaborate with employees, trustees (tillitsvalgte) and leaders.

All employees within a protected area / main protected area have the right to propose candidates. Safety representatives should be chosen among employees who have experience and insight into the organization's working conditions.


Safety representatives in the period 2023-2024:

  • Erlend Grong
  • Kristine Lysnes (vara)

Fire preparedness

Fire place manager, Science building 4th floor (line between south and north is by the main lifts)

  • Kristine Lysnes, site manager south
  • Stine Haugsbø, deputy for place manager south.
  • Christoph Kirfel, site manager north
  • Henrik Kalisch, deputy for site manager north.


Fire prevention course at UiB

All employees at UiB must comple a fire safety training course, which consists of a digital fire safety course and practical extinguishing course. This requirement is required by law. The digital part of the course will be sent to all participants by email, and takes approx. 30 minutes to complete. You can find the course via this link: https://nettkurs.tiv.no/no/feidelogin if you have not received it by email. Employees are required to sign up for the practical part of the course themselves.


HSE action plans for MI

Department plans:


Absences and types of absence

Absence when you are away from work, such as e.g. holiday, time off, illness or short leaves of absence.

  • Remember to report if you are ill. You can submit a self-report via the self-service portal, or a medical certificate from a GP in the event of extended sickness absence or a reduced position. You can also report absence if you have a sick child who is home from daycare or school.​​
  • You can apply for leave with pay, e.g. due to starting school, moving, funeral, caring for family, etc
  • Registration of absences is extra important for PhD-fellows, as it can lead to an extension of employment.​​
  • You can get help and guidance from the Service team for absence and parental leave.

Here you will find more information and an overview of the different types of absence and who can use them.

Absence due to illness

The employer has the main responsibility for following up employees who are called in sick, and must make arrangements for the employee to be able to work despite illness or injury. The employee must contribute to the arrangement. NAV and the person reporting illness also have responsibilities and duties in the follow-up.

In case of sick leave, you can expect:

  • That the immediate superior manager contacts you if the sick leave lasts more than two weeks.
  • That the immediate superior looks into whether the reason for the sick leave is wholly or partly work related.
  • That the immediate superior takes the initiative for a positive dialogue about your situation in context to return to work/reduce absence.
  • That the immediate superior takes the initiative to draw up an individual follow-up plan within six weeks.
  • A collaboration with BHT if the absence exceeds 6 weeks (long-term sickness absence).
  • That you are contacted at least once per month in case of long-term sickness absence.


Guidelines for conflict management

UiB has the overall responsibility for a fully responsible working environment, including conflict management. Conflicts can arise in all working environments. Through good conflict management routines, we can facilitate the best possible learning and working environment at UiB. Guidelines for conflict management can be found here.


Guidelines for prevention and management of bullying and harassment

UiB has the overall responsibility for a fully responsible working environment, including the prevention and handling of bullying and harassment. Preventing bullying and harassment is part of the systematic HSE work. All employees have the right to be treated with respect and dignity, and to a working environment free of bullying, harassment and discrimination. Employees who become aware that other employees have bullied or harassed students have a duty to report this to their responsible manager. Guidelines for the prevention and handling of bullying and harassment can be found here.

Guidelines for whistleblowing at the University of Bergen

There were new rules on notification in the Working Environment Act § 2-4 and 2-5 which came into force on 1 January 2007. At the same time, employers in aml. Section 3-6 imposes a duty to facilitate the conditions for notification in the workplace. UiB has chosen to draw up guidelines for whistleblowing. The purpose of the guidelines is to clarufy the conditions for notification, but also to clarify which procedure the employees must use, as well as which rights and obligations they have in connection with wistleblowing. 


Sikresiden.no  provides preventive training and advice on what to do in an emergency.