Faculty of Science and Technology
PhD education at the Faculty for Science and Technology

Trial lecture

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(cf. PhD regulations § 15-2)

After the thesis has been submitted and before the defence the doctoral candidate must give a trial lecture on a given topic. The Faculty recommends that the trial lecture is held at latest 3 weeks before the planned defence.

The trial lecture is organised by the department. The head of the department or whoever he/she authorises, appoints a separate committee to assess the trial lecture. The committee for the trial lecture shall consist of at least three members, and may have the same chair as the chair of the assessment committee. All the members can be employed by UiB. All the members must hold doctoral degrees or equivalent qualifications and normally both genders are represented.

The trial lecture can also be held in connection with the defence and evaluated by the assessment committee for the thesis. In these cases the trial lecture will be announced by the Faculty along with the defence.

Please refer to the form Application to submit a doctoral thesis and committee proposal to find information about the trial lecture of this candidate:

  • Alternative 1: Trial lecture with a separate committee for the trial lecture
  • Alternative 2: Trial lecture in connection with public defence, evaluated by the assessment committee for the PhD thesis

The chair of the assessment committee will inform the committee of the procedures for the trial lecture in connection with the defence, in case the assessment committee for the PhD-thesis will also evaluate the trial lecture.

The committee sends the title of the trial lecture in writing to the department (the research programme committee) 15 workdays before the date of the trial lecture. Ten workdays before the trial lecture the department announces the topic of the trial lecture to the doctoral candidate. After the trial lecture has been held, the result of the trial lecture (pass/fail) is reported to the faculty on the original form signed by all the members of the committee.

If the trial lecture is given in connection with the defence, the result can be given on the final report after the defence.

The trial lecture must be passed before the public defence takes place. If the trial lecture is failed, please refer to the PhD-regulations.