Faculty of Science and Technology
Temporary admission

Temporary Admission at the Faculty of Science and Technology

Courses at the Faculty of Science and Technology are only available for students at the Faculty. Students from other faculties at the University of Bergen who wish to take scientific courses, can apply for temporary admission for one semester at a time.

Main content

Students who are enrolled in study programmes at other faculties at the University of Bergen can apply for temporary admission to the Faculty of Science and Technology.

In order for the admission to be granted, the applicant must meet any pre-requirements for the course(s) as well as basic admission requirements to the Faculty of Science and Technology. 

You can apply for additional study admission through Søknadsweb. Søknadsweb accepts applications from 1 June (admission for the Autumn semester) and 1 December (admission for the Spring semester). Choose the admission form called "Gjestestudenter/Guest students" and "Midlertidig studierett MN - UiB-studenter"


  • 15 August for the autumn semester

  • 15 January for the spring semester

If you plan to take subjects that have limited capacity you have to apply for temporary admission at least 2 days before the deadline for class registration so that you are able to apply to courses within the deadline.

Application Process

You can apply for additional study admission through Søknadsweb. Applicants must have an active student status at the University before applying.
We process applications continuously and you will receive an email when your application is processed. Admission is granted for one semester at a time. If you want to continue to take courses at our faculty later, you have to apply again. 

If you are granted admission for one semester, you must then sign up for the course(s) you want to take on Studentweb (register for teaching and exam).