Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences

Personal promotion to Professor

The 2024 deadline for applying for personal promotion to professor is 15 September 2024. You will find further information about the application process below. Associate Professors holding a permanent position (at least 50 per cent post) may apply.

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Thursday 15 August 2024 is the start of the application period for applying for personal promotion to professor at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences. The application deadline is 15 September 2024.

The application deadline in 2024 falls on a Sunday. Therefore, we set the deadline for requesting the creation of the case in Jobbnorge to Friday 13 September 2024 at 12:00. This is done by submitting the application form to hrmn@mnfa.uib.no. The deadline for comleting the application in Jobbnorge is by the end of 16 September, which is hte first working day after the application deadline. 

If you intend to apply for promotion to professor, first you need to complete the application form. You send the completed form by email to hrmn@mnfa.uib.no 

When we receive your application form, we will send you an email with an invitation to upload your application in Jobbnorge. This is according to "Samordning av prosessene for professoropprykk", see "retningslinjer for opprykk til professor", chapter 5, below. 

Guidelines for application for personal promotion:
https://www.uhr.no/_f/p1/i3ac4aed7-e3dd-410c-8a3f-242879873238/coordination-of-the-procedures-for-promotion-to-professor-in-stem-subjects-010921.pdf, decided by UHR-MNT. 
"Retningslinjer for opprykk til professor" (Guidelines for the application), page 9, chapter 5.

Personal promotion to professor - UHRs website
https://www.uhr.no/temasider/karrierepolitikk-og-merittering/opprykksordninger/ (in Norwegian only)
Apart from chapter "4. Outline of requirements for qualifications" (UHRs website), the regulation is available in Norwegian only.