The Michael Sars Centre
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The Michael Sars Centre was established in 1997 as an independent research centre, and on January 1, 2023, it was incorporated into the Faculty of Science and Technology at the University of Bergen. As one of the first partners of the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) in 2003, the Michael Sars Centre serves as a national strategical asset for Norwegian marine life sciences. We aim to establish, strengthen, and leverage local, national, and international networks through specific activities, including collaborative research, joint training, and scientific exchange.
The Centre studies the unique molecular and cellular biology of marine organisms within the broad field of Marine Life Sciences ranging from molecular, cellular, and developmental biology to neuroscience, genomics, systems biology, and evolution. Our scientists deploy diverse and cutting-edge techniques and approaches including custom-made animal cultures, electron and light microscopy, quantitative image analysis, genome editing, and genomics, including from single cells.
In June 2003, the Michael Sars Centre became the first partner of the prestigious European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL). The partnership facilitates scientific exchange and supports areas of common interest of the two institutes, opening up new directions for research, training and collaboration. EMBL is represented on the Centre's Scientific Advisory Committee and Board and has an active role in advising and evaluating the development and progress of the Michael Sars Centre.
The partnership focuses on several key areas:
- Joint scientific exchange of information on current projects, future collaborations, career development, and personnel exchange.
- Building institutional partnerships to enhance interaction between EMBL and member states.
- Facilitating ambitious joint research projects whose goals can only be accomplished through a coordinated European effort.
- Co-development and access to new integrated experimental services and data resources.

1) Muscle and epithelial formation in the Drosophila embryo. 2) Changing shapes – metamorphosis of a sea anemone. 3) Life in the sea, a plankton cell.