Michael Sars Centre

News archive for Michael Sars Centre

A new method by the Valen lab reveals modes and regulation of translation initiation
Gene expression profiling and CRISPR mutagenesis in Nematostella vectensis reveal the role of POU4 in the terminal differentiation of various neural cell types
The Sars Centre shut down its experimental activity March 13, due to the threat by the coronavirus (COVID-19). With this action we will contribute to slow down the spread of the virus, maintain safety and health for our employees, and most important to protect the vulnerable in our society.
A Sars study shows an extraordinary case in which >90% introns have unusual and highly variable splice sites. A new splicing code appeared, which required an evolution of the splicing machinery.
Duplication of a key mitotic regulator in Oikopleura with further division of tasks: a recurrent theme that makes sense
How do cells in the early embryo coordinate their development to create the different tissues of the body? We have found that rapid changes in calcium levels travel from cell to cell in a choreographed wave, and that disrupting this wave leads to abnormal development.
The tunicate larvacean Oikopleura dioica, a flagship of Sars Centre science, is well known for having a remarkably small and compact genome. However, sequencing of related species has revealed immense variations in genome size among larvaceans, up to 12X. Research at the Sars Centre and at the Institut de Genomique Fonctionnelle de Lyon, published in Current Biology (Naville, Henriet et al.), now... Read more
Establishing links between the anatomy and behavior of animals is one of the top goals of neurobiologists. For such a challenge, Ciona is gradually getting on the right track!  Read the exciting new paper from Marios Chatzigeorgiou's group.
Who is he? Let's find out..
Loss of a DNA repair pathway in Oikopleura
UiB scientists have found the lampshell’s ancient forefather, and discovered that the shells and bristles of the lampshells have a much older origin than priveously thought. The results are published in the scientific journal PNAS.
