Rector election 2021

Candidate presentation and election meeting

Meet the canidates in this year's rector election at UiB, Margareth Hagen and Oddrun Samdal.

Kandidatpresentasjon og valgmøte – rektorvalget 2021

Margareth Hagen and Oddrun Samdal are the candidates in the rector election at the University of Bergen.

Main content

On Friday 19 February at 10 am, you will meet the candidates in this year's rector election for a candidate presentation and debate. Margareth Hagen and Oddrun Samdal and their vice-rector candidates and will answer questions.

Read more about the teams:

The candidate presentation and debate will be digital this year, and can be viewed on uib.no and pahoyden.no. 

After the presentation is over, the candidates joins an online meeting (chat), where you also get the opportunity to ask questions.

The presentation and debate will be texted in english.