Information for students and employees about Ukraine
Here you can find relevant information for students and employees, regarding Russia's invasion of Ukraine. The information will be updated.

Main content
UiB has no exchange students or employees in Ukraine.
UiB is in dialogue with Ukrainian students on short-time stays who wish to transfer to a bachelor's or master's program at UiB and have their residence permit extended.
Students from Ukraine who are struggling financially due to the war will now receive funding to cover their subsistence costs. This is why the Norwegian Government is establishing a grant scheme for the spring semester 2022. All students who qualify for the grant will receive up to NOK 11 500 per month from March to August. PhD students will receive up to NOK 21 000. This also applies to Russian and Belarusian students. Read more here.
Students affected by the war in Ukraine can contact:
- Sammen Mental Health
- Bergen Student Chaplaincy: A welfare offer for all students regardless of outlook on life
- Life Crisis Assistance in the Bergen Emergency Room is Bergen municipality's offer to people in acute life crises (text in Norwegian)
The University of Bergen has several employees from Ukraine and several employees from countries affected by the war. The university manangement have held meetings with Ukrainian staff, Russian staff and Belarusian staff to ensure that they are taken care of in this difficult situation.
Employees who need help or facilitation can contact their nearest leader. You can also contact:
- The occupational health service
- Life Crisis Assistance in the Bergen Emergency Room is Bergen municipality's offer to people in acute life crises (text in Norwegian)
If you experience harassment or other inappropriate behavior, you can contact your nearest leader or notify via our website.
UiB for refugees
International applicants from Ukraine who have applied for master’s degree studies within the given deadline will have their applications considered, and will receive an answer to their applications as stated on our web page.
International applicants applying for studies through NUCAS (Norwegian Universities and Colleges Admission Service), must follow the guidelines and application deadlines as stated on their web page.
Travel advise
Travel advise from The Ministry of Foreign Affairs:
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs advises against all travel to Ukraine and encourages Norwegian citizens to leave the country:
Travel advise Ukraine (text in Norwegian)
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs advises against all travel to Russia:
Medical help (for students)
Students who need to see a doctor can get help from Sammen - The Student Welfare Organization.
Book an appointment here and find information about the Norwegian general practitioner system.
Cooperation with Russia
The Norwegian Government has decided that research and education cooperation with Russia will be frozen. Read more on the government's website here. (Text in Norwegian)
Further information will be provided on UiB's handling of the sanctions.
Are you in Russia?
The Ministry of Education's special envoy at the embassy in Moscow follows up all Norwegian students in Russia that the embassy knows of, in line with the system for consular assistance. Any students or staff currently in Russia should not hesitate to contact the embassy if they need advice and guidance.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs asks Norwegians in Russia to register (text in Norwegian)