Academic Freedom Conference
The University of Bergen conference on Academic Freedom will be held on November 2nd in Storsalen, Nygårdsgaten 5.

Main content
Find the program in Norwegian here
The University of Bergen stands together with colleagues and students from across Norway and around the world in championing academic freedom. We believe that the deepest insights emerge from democratic intellectual communities that protect academic integrity and promote critical thinking and open dialogue. Academic freedom is under threat in countries around the world. Even in Norway it is vulnerable to direct threat and subtle erosion and requires vigilant protection.
We invite you to a half-day conference to share the stories of researchers and students who have been threatened to discontinue research projects or prohibited from researching altogether. During the event, experts will present an overview of key trends in academic freedom internationally, and senior members of the Norwegian education and research sector will discuss what is being done, as well as what we can do to strengthen academic freedom at home.
Panel 1 and 2 will be in English and Panel 3 and 4 in Norwegian.
Simultaneous interpretation from Norwegian to English will be offered for Panel 3 and 4.
This conference is physical and will not be streamed.
08.30 | Breakfast Conference Host: Martin Paulsen, Head of the Department of Foreign Languages, University of Bergen |
Opening speech: Shalini Randeria, President and Rector, Central European University Title: National Sovereignty and Threats to Academic Freedom of Universities |
09.15 | Keynote address: Jorge A. Huete, Professor, Georgetown University and Academy of Sciences of Nicaragua |
09.45 | Vignette 1
| Panel 1: Threats to academic freedom – international perspectives Associate Professor Kyle Lohse Marquardt presents research findings showing the prevalence of academic freedom internationally A conversation:
Moderator: Jostein Hole Kobbeltvedt, Executive Director, The Rafto Foundation for Human Rights |
10.20 | Coffee break with snacks |
10.40 | Vignette 2
| Panel 2: Addressing threats to academic freedom - student led responses
Moderator: Sjur Selsvik, Chariman, Velferdstinget Vest |
11.15 | Vignette 3
11.20 | Panel 3: Academic freedom in Norway A conversation with:
Moderator: Ragna Aarli, Vice Dean for Research at the Faculty of Law, University of Bergen. Member of the Norwegian Freedom of Speech Commission (2020-2022) |
11.50 | Panel 4: Barriers to academic freedom – perspectives from Norwegian researchers A conversation:
Moderator: Saira Basit, Dean at the Norwegian Defence University College. Member of the Expert Group for Academic Freedom of Expression that submitted a report to the Norwegian Ministry of Education and Research in 2022 |
12.25 | Closing remarks: Benedicte Carlsen, Professor and Vice-Rector for Research and International Relations at the University of Bergen, and Head of UiBs Committee for the Scholars at Risk Network and IIE-Scholar Rescue Fund Alliance |
12.30 | Lunch buffet |