
Nine new honorary doctors at the University of Bergen

Kirsten Shepherd-Barr, Camille Norment, Mads Bryde Andersen, Christopher Aiden-Lee Jackson, Alberto Ascherio, Trond Petersen, Lynn Meskell, Jeanne C. Watson and Anne Larigauderie received the prestigious honorary doctorate from the University of Bergen on May 24.

Bilde av æresdoktorer ved  UiB sammen med rektor Margareth Hagen
NINE NEW HONORARY DOCTORS: Margareth Hagen, Rector at the University of Bergen, together with the new honorary doctors at the University of Bergen. From left to right in the front row: Kirsten Shepherd-Barr, Anne Larigauderie, Margareth Hagen, Lynn Meskell, Alberto Ascherio. From left to right in the back row: Christopher Aiden-Lee Jackson, Mads Bryde Andersen, Trond Petersen, Jeanne C. Watson, and Camille Norment..
Thor Brødreskift
Æresdoktorpromosjon med rektor, dekaner og æresdoktorer i universitetsaulaen
HONORARY DOCTORS: Nine new honorary doctors were conferred in the University Aula in Bergen on May 24.
Thor Brødreskift
Bilde fra æresdoktorseremoni med Margareth Hagen, Tore Tungodden og nyutnevnt æresdoktor  e Andersen, Christopher Aiden-Lee Jackson, Alberto Ascherio, Trond Petersen, Lynn Meskell, Jeanne C. Watson og Anne Larigauderie.
HONORARY DOCTOR CEREMONY: Nine new honorary doctors were conferred during a ceremony in the University Aula in Bergen on May 24. Here, Dr. Anne Larigauderie receives her honorary doctorate award.
Thor Brødreskift
Æresdoktor Mads Bryde Andersen holder tale ved æresdoktor seremonien 24. mai 2024.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT REMARKS: Professor Mads Bryde Andersen delivered remarks on behalf of the honorary doctors during the ceremony in the University Aula..
Thor Brødreskift

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"The candidates represent strong professional and academic diversity that is representative of the breadth of our university", says the rector, Margareth Hagen. 

The honorary doctors are appointed by the university board based on proposals from the faculties, in consultation with the rector. The appointed candidates have undertaken outstanding work and made a significant contribution to science and art. Honorary doctorate is the highest honor that the university can give to a person who is not employed at UiB.

The nine candidates were awarded their honorary doctorates at a ceremony held in the University Aula on May 24. View photos from the ceremony here.

These are the new honorary doctors at the UiB: 

Anne Larigauderie is Executive Secretary for the Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES), the UN's nature panel. She has researched how climate change will affect plant physiology and ecology in various contexts. Previously, Larigauderie was Head of Science in Society at the International Council for Science (ICSU) and Executive Director of DIVERSITAS, an international scientific program under the patronage of ICSU and UNESCO. This is a leading program in strengthening science-policy cooperation for biodiversity and ecosystem services. Larigauderie is nominated by the university leadership. 
Professor Kirsten Shepherd-Barr for her work with modern theater and drama, including Henrik Ibsen. She was among the first to develop the field of theater and science. Shepherd-Barr is the founder of the digital reading app LitHits, which aims to break down barriers to reading and encourage engagement with literature. Shepherd-Barr is nominated by the Faculty of Humanities. 
Camille Norment for her work as a multimedia artist and researcher. She has a unique professional breadth and profile and expresses herself through artistic installations, performance, video, music, and sound. This can be seen, for example, in her work Rapture (Venice Biennale 2015), The Festival exhibition in 2023 (Bergen Kunsthall) and the many performances with her ensemble called Camille Norment Trio. In 2023 she won the Nam June Paik Award 2023, Kunststiftung NRW. Norment is nominated by the Faculty of Art, Music and Design. 
Professor Mads Bryde Andersen for his extensive authorship, particularly in the field of contract law. Through his authorship and the organization of numerous seminars, he has made a major contribution to emphasizing the importance of the Nordic languages for linking the legal systems in our countries. Byrde Andersen has also contributed as a member of numerous assessment committees, as a speaker and as an inspiration for younger researchers at the Faculty of Law UiB. Andersen has been nominated by the Faculty of Law. 
Professor Christopher Aiden-Lee Jackson for his research which has had a major impact on the understanding of earthquakes, volcanism and the mapping and extraction of natural resources. He is also a clear and visible champion of equality, diversity, and inclusion in academia. Jackson is an active science communicator. Jackson has a strong connection to UiB and has collaborated with our geoscience research environments for many years. Jackson is nominated by the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences. 
Professor Alberto Ascherio for his pioneering contribution to the understanding of the etiology of neurological diseases. His main contribution relates to identifying the causal factors of multiple sclerosis (MS). Dr. Ascherio is also an accomplished educator and has contributed to teaching at Harvard for nearly 30 years. For the past 20 years, Dr. Ascherio has been a very active partner and supporter of the neuroepidemiology community at UiB. He has supported increased research collaboration between UiB and Harvard. Alberto Ascherio is nominated by the Faculty of Medicine. 
Professor Trond Petersen for his central contribution to research on social inequality and discrimination in working life and organizations. Petersen has contributed to the development of statistical analysis methods. His scientific work has had a major influence on public discourse and policymaking. He has contributed to the internationalization of Norwegian academia in the 2000s. Petersen also played a vital role in the development of The Peder Sather Center for Advanced Study and the so-called "Norway house" at UC Berkeley, which has provided students and staff from Norwegian universities an opportunity to stays abroad at one of the world's leading research universities. Petersen has been nominated by the Faculty of Social Sciences. 

Professor Lynn Meskell for her significant interdisciplinary profile related to research and teaching with scientific works on topics such as research ethics, global cultural heritage, materiality, feminist and post-colonial theory. These connected topics are also relevant for the University Museum and the University of Bergen. Lynn Meskell is also a researcher whose work is relevant for current issues related to the management of natural and cultural heritage, indigenous people, and human rights, and will be a relevant researcher for many scientific milieus across several faculties at the University of Bergen. Meskell is nominated by the University Museum in Bergen. 
Profesor Jeanne C. Watson
for her research in psychotherapy and for her pioneering work in the development of emotion-focused therapy. Watson has significantly contributed to elucidating the importance of empathy in psychotherapy and conducted several key studies of outcomes and the processes of change in various forms of psychotherapy. Watson is involved in research collaboration with several academic staff at the Department of Clinical Psychology and GAMUT - the Grieg Academy's Center for Music Therapy Research at the Faculty of Art, Music and Design. Watson is nominated by the Faculty of Psychology.