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A seminar in Bergen explores how the Ocean can be better regulated to ensure the balance between the harvesting of natural resources and the need for conservation.
When discussing sustainable development, terms such as science advice and the science-policy interface have become all the rage. What is this all about? We asked veteran researcher Silvio Funtowicz to provide some clarity on the subject.
The second day of the 2019 SDG Conference Bergen focussed on how the academic community can bring its knowledge to decision-makers locally and globally.
From building a global student movement to the crucial role of universities, the first day of the 2019 SDG Conference Bergen was diverse in its engagement with global sustainability.
Dilemmas in implementing rapid transformation of the energy system to reach the Paris targets are many. Our expert panel present and discuss major challenges and possible conflicts between the SDG goals.
Stream the entire 2019 National SDG Conference Bergen here.
In February 2018, Victoria W. Thoresen and Jakob Grandin were key participants in the inaugural SDG Conference Bergen. The first national conference in the world bringing the university sector together in critical debate to engage with the UN's 2030 Agenda.
Since 1971 Svalbard has experienced a winter warming of 7°C. This has caused major changes, and there is an urgent need to plan for the future, states the new “Climate in Svalbard 2100” report.
TV 2 awarded a total of NOK 100.000 to master students from the department of Information and Media Science at the University of Bergen (UiB) during a ceremony at Media City Bergen last week. The scholarship is part of their ongoing commitment to supporting new media talents.
Floating wind turbines keep getting bigger, giving us more energy. A UiB-project will measure the wind's capabilities in an entirely new fashion, paving the way for more efficient wind energy at sea.
Professor Lise Øvreås takes over from Peter M. Haugan as Academic Director of Ocean Sustainability Bergen, UiB's centre for sustainable ocean research, with scientific advice being one of the main tasks in her portfolio.
Erica Seelemann and Zaria Connors have come all the way from Halifax, Nova Scotia in Canada to follow courses at the University of Bergen, and they will write up their Bachelor in Psychology here.
The cutting-edge Urban Enclaving Futures project used its first workshop to define how research can bring in social, cultural, spatial and further dimensions moving beyond classic economic understandings of urban development.
Researcher Hakan G. Sicakkan considers the UN's new Migration Compact to be an exciting addition to the global migration discourse and he looks forward to studying its implementation.
Norway’s Minister of Climate and Environment Ola Elvestuen meets with researchers, Pacific island representatives and civil society at the COP24 summit in Poland for dialogue on Arctic-Pacific climate conditions, with a particular focus on SDG13 and SDG14. Follow the side-event live from 13.15!
Climate researcher Tore Furevik suggests that Norway should think big. Offshore wind can turn the country into a zero-emission society, as well as creating a major boost for the economy.
“You really could go on and on about this! It is very interesting to learn a bit about you work here”, EU Ambassador Thierry Béchet said when he was visiting the SapienCE Centre.
UiB researcher Saket Saurabh embarks on a new ERC funded project, aiming to revolutionise how we handle, utilise and compress Big Data.
