Digital Culture

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Artist talk

Alinta Krauth: Light, Environments, and Ecologies for Digital Art

Australian multidisciplinary digital artist Alinta Krauth focuses on projection art, interactive art, sound art, art games, generative art, and physical computing.

An image from Krauth's 2016 work "A Long, Wired Paddock", a digital animation
An image from Krauth's 2016 work "A Long, Wired Paddock", a digital animation based on climate change data.
Alinta Krauth

Main content

Australian multidisciplinary digital artist Alinta Krauth will be presenting a range of her site-specific projection mapping and holographic projection works. With her works themed around ecology and environmental disruption, Krauth will speak on how we can use interactive and projection art to give voice to the environment, and how you can join in on some of her projects. For more information on this event see http://internationalstudentblog.b.uib.no/fall-2016-public-library-events/ and https://www.uib.no/en/discipline/digitalculture/101628/alinta-krauth-light-environments-and-ecologies-digital-art

For more on Alinta's work and how art, science, and the environment overlap, see this editorial: http://fringeartculture.com/art-science-and-the-environment-how-do-they-overlap/