Department of Comparative Politics

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UiBs Brussel-kontor

Brussel-kontoret skal styrke UiBs engasjement og tilstedeværelse i Brussel, og gi konkret hjelp til forskere som ønsker å bygge nettverk eller etablere konsortier


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As a student intern at the UiB Brussels office, you would be gaining experience through working closely with the Head of the office, Charlotte Eide, and assisting her in her work to promote the UiB and to strengthen UiB’s participation in EU funded research initiatives. Activities that you could expect to encounter include:

· work related to relevant EU initiatives mainly within the field of research and innovation – hereunder the framework programme Horizon Europe.

· Represent the office to relevant meetings and deliver proper reporting to the Head of office.

· participation to working groups meetings of relevant networks where the office is part of

· support the Head of office with day-to-day administrative tasks that is also required in the running of an office.

· contribute to the office communication and information work both toward the home institution and the Brussels audience

· support in organization of UiB events in Brussels

The student intern is expected to work independently, under the guidance of the Head of the Office when needed. UiB shares office spaces with SINTEF, Norce and NTNU in the Norwegian House for Research and Innovation (NOHRI)– where both SINTEF and NTNU also has student interns. This creates a nice social environment at our office.

Stipend: As an intern with the UiB Brussels office, you are be eligible for an Erasmus Placement grant.

If interested, please send your CV and cover letter to charlotte.eide@uib.no. Selected candidates will be invited for an interview shortly thereafter.


The internship corresponds to 30 ECTS in the SAMPOL291 course.
