Biophysics, Structural Biology and Screening (BiSS)
in the press

Publications using BiSS

The list below shows published research carried out using the facilities at BiSS. We strongly encourage all users of BiSS to inform us of new publications taking advantage of the facility.

Main content


Fahimeh Khorsand; Bengt  Erik Haug; Inari Kursula; Nathalie Reuter; Ruth Brenk. Expression and Purification of Human Neutrophil Proteinase 3 from Insect Cells and Characterization of Ligand Binding. PLoS ONE 2024, 19(6): e0294827. [DOI|bioRxiv].

Gartan, P.; Khorsand, F.; Mizar, P.; Vahokovski, J. I.; Cervantes, L. F.; Haug, B. E.; Brenk, R.; Brooks, C. L. I.; Reuter, N. Investigating Polypharmacology through Targeting Known Human Neutrophil Elastase Inhibitors to Proteinase 3. J. Chem. Inf. Model. 2024. [Pubmed|DOI]

Jalencas, X.; Berg, H.; Espeland, L. O.; Sreeramulu, S.; Kinnen, F.; Richter, C.; Georgiou, C.; Yadrykhinsky, V.; Specker, E.; Jaudzems, K.; Miletić, T.; Harmel, R.; Gribbon, P.; Schwalbe, H.; Brenk, R.; Jirgensons, A.; Zaliani, A.; Mestres, J. Design, Quality and Validation of the EU-OPENSCREEN Fragment Library Poised to a High-Throughput Screening Collection. RSC Med. Chem. 2024. [DOI|PractialFragments].


PatilSS, Panchal V, Røstbø T,  Romanyuk S, Hollås H, Brenk R, Grindheim, AK, Vedeler A. RNA-binding is an ancient trait of the Annexin family. Front Cell Dev Biol. 2023, 15;11. [Pubmed]|[DOI] 

Fahimeh Khorsand; Bengt  Erik Haug; Inari Kursula; Nathalie Reuter; Ruth Brenk. Expression and Purification of Human Neutrophil Proteinase 3 from Insect Cells and Characterization of Ligand Binding. bioRxiv 2023, 2023.11.10.566610. [DOI].


Ruskamo S., Raasakka A., Pedersen J.S., Martel A., Škubník K., Darwish T., Porcar L. & Kursula P. (2022) Human myelin proteolipid protein structure and lipid bilayer stacking. Cell. Mol. Life Sci. 79: 419.

Markússon S., Hallin E.I., Bustad H.J., Raasakka A., Xu J., Muruganandam G., Loris R., Martinez A., Bramham C.R. & Kursula P. (2022) High-affinity anti-Arc nanobodies provide tools for structural and functional studies. PLoS ONE, in press. 

Ishizuka Y., Mergiya T.F., Baldinotti R., Xu J., Hallin E.I., Markússon S., Kursula P. & Bramham C.R. (2022) Development and validation of Arc nanobodies: new tools for probing Arc dynamics and function. Neurochem. Res., in press.

Kind L., Raasakka A., Molnes J., Aukrust I., Bjørkhaug L., Njølstad P.R., Kursula P. & Arnesen T. (2022) Structural and biophysical characterization of trasnscription factor HNF-1A as a tool to study MODY3 diabetes variants. J. Biol. Chem., in press. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jbc.2022.101803

Bothe S, Hänzelmann P, Böhler S, Kehrein J, Zehe M, Wiedemann C, Hellmich UA, Brenk R, Schindelin H, Sotriffer C. Fragment screening using biolayer interferometry reveals ligands targeting the SHP-motif binding site of the AAA+ ATPase p97. Commun Chem  2022, 5, 169. [DOI]



Bohan D., van Ert H., Ruggio N., Rogers K.J., Badreddine M., Aguilar Briseño J.A., Elliff J.M., Rojas Chavez R.A., Gao B., Stokowy T., Christakou E., Kursula P., Micklem D., Gausdal G., Haim H., Minna J., Lorens J.B. & Maury W. (2021) Phosphatidylserine receptors enhance SARS-CoV-2 infection. PLoS Path., in press.

Flydal MI, Kråkenes TA, Tai MDS, Tran MPA, Teigen K, Martinez A (2021). Levalbuterol lowers the feedback inhibition by dopamine and delays misfolding and aggregation in tyrosine hydroxylase. Biochimie 183:126-132. doi: 10.1016/j.biochi.2020.12.002.

Bezem MT, Johannessen FG, Kråkenes TA, Sailor MJ, Martinez A (2021). Relevance of Electrostatics for the Interaction of Tyrosine Hydroxylase with Porous Silicon Nanoparticles. Mol Pharm. 18(3):976-985. doi: 10.1021/acs.molpharmaceut.0c00960.

Bustad HJ, Kallio JP, Laitaoja M, Toska K, Kursula I, Martinez A, Jänis J (2021). Characterization of porphobilinogen deaminase mutants reveals that arginine-173 is crucial for polypyrrole elongation mechanism. iScience 24(3):102152. doi:10.3390/ijms22020675.

Aubi O, Prestegård KS, Jung-KC K, Shi T-J S, Ying M, Scherer T, Grindheim AK, Ulvik A, McCann A, Spriet E, Thöny B, Martinez A (2021). The Pah-R261Q mouse model reveals oxidative stress associated with amyloid-like hepatic aggregation of mutant phenylalanine hydroxylase. Nat. Commun. 12(1):2073. doi: 10.1038/s41467-021-22107-1.

Dublang L, Underhaug J, Flydal MI, Velasco-Carneros L, Maréchal JD, Moro F, Boyano MD, Martinez A, Muga A. (2021) Inhibition of the Human Hsc70 System by Small Ligands as a Potential Anticancer Approach. Cancers 13(12):2936. doi: 10.3390/cancers13122936.

Waløen K, Jung-Kc K, Vecchia ED, Pandey S, Gasparik N, Døskeland A, Patil S, Kleppe R, Hritz J, Norton WHJ, Martinez A, Haavik J. (2021) Cysteine modification by ebselen reduces the stability and cellular levels of 14-3-3 proteins. Mol Pharmacol. MOLPHARM-AR-2020-000184. doi: 10.1124/molpharm.120.000184.

Strømland Ø, Kallio JP, Pschibul A, Skoge RH, Harðardóttir HM, Sverkeli LJ, Heinekamp T, Kniemeyer O, Migaud M, Makarov MV, Gossmann TI, Brakhage AA & Ziegler M (2021) Discovery of fungal surface NADases predominantly present in pathogenic species. Nat. Commun. 12:1631.

Hallin E.I., Markússon S,. Böttger L., Torda A.E., Bramham C.R. & Kursula P. (2021) Crystal and solution structures reveal oligomerization of individual capsid homology domains of Drosophila Arc. PLoS ONE 16:e0251459.

Hallin E.I., Bramham C.R. & Kursula P. (2021) Structural properties and peptide ligand binding of the capsid homology domains of human Arc. Biochem. Biophys. Rep. 26:100975.

Espeland LO,  Georgiou C, Klein R, Bhukya H, Haug BE, Underhaug J, Mainkar PS, Brenk R. An Experimental Toolbox for Structure-Based Hit Discovery for P. aeruginosa FabF, a Promising Target for Antibiotics. ChemMedChem 2021. [Pubmed]|[DOI]|[ChemRxiv]

Rekand IH, Brenk R.  DrugPred_RNA-A Tool for Structure-Based Druggability Predictions for RNA Binding Sites. J Chem Inf Model 2021.[Pubmed]|[DOI]|[ChemRxiv]

Mahootchi E., Raasakka A., Luan W., Muruganandam G., Loris R., Haavik J. & Kursula P. (2021) Structure and substrate specificity determinants of the taurine biosynthetic enzyme cysteine sulphinic acid decarboxylase. J. Struct. Biol. 213:107674. 

Eriksen M.S., Nikolaienko O., Hallin E.I., Grødem S., Bustad H.J., Flydal M.I., Merski I., Hosokawa T., Lascu D., Akerkar S., Cuéllar J., Chambers J.J., O´Connell R., Muruganandam G., Loris R., Touma C., Kanhema T., Hayashi Y., Stratton M.M., Valpuesta J.M., Kursula P., Martinez A. & Bramham C.R. (2021) Arc self-association and formation of virus-like capsids are mediated by an N-terminal helical coil motif. FEBS J. 288: 2930-2955. 


Lillebostad P.A.G., Raasakka A., Hjellbrekke S.J., Patil S., Røstbø T., Hollås H., Sakya S.A., Szigetvari P.D., Vedeler A. & Kursula P. (2020) Structure of the ALS mutation target annexin A11 reveals a stabilising N-terminal segment. Biomolecules 10:660.

Ruskamo S., Krokengen O.C., Kowal J., Nieminen T., Lehtimäki M., Raasakka A., Dandey V.P., Vattulainen I., Stahlberg H. & Kursula P. (2020) Cryo-EM, X-ray diffraction, and atomistic simulations reveal determinants for the formation of a supramolecular myelin-like proteolipid lattice. J. Biol. Chem. 295:8692-8705.

Klein R, Cendron L, Montanari M, Bellio P, Celenza G, Maso L, Tondi D, Brenk R. Targeting the Class A Carbapenemase GES-5 via Virtual Screening. Biomolecules. 2020 Feb 14;10(2). pii: E304.[Pubmed | DOI]

Støve SI, Flydal, MI, Hausvik E, Underhaug J, Martinez A (2020) Differential scanning fluorimetry in the screening and validation of pharmacological chaperones for soluble and membrane proteins, In Protein Homeostasis Diseases (Pey, A. L., Ed.), pp 329-341, Academic Press. [DOI]

Bustad HJ, Toska K, Schmitt C, Vorland M, Skjærven L, Kallio JP, Simonin S, Letteron P, Underhaug J, Sandberg S, Martinez A (2020)A Pharmacological Chaperone Therapy for Acute Intermittent Porphyria. Mol Ther. 2020 Feb 5;28(2):677-689. [DOI]


Kouloulia S., Hallin E.I., Simbriger K., Amorim I.S., Lach G., Amvrosiadis T., Kampaite A., Jafarnejad S.M., Truong V.T., Hooshmandi M., Skehel P., Kursula P., Khoutorsky A. & Gkogkas C. (2019) Raptor-mediated proteasomal degradation of deamidated 4E-BP2 regulates postnatal neuronal translation and NF-Kappa B activity. Cell Rep. 29: 3620-3635.

Raasakka A., Ruskamo S., Barker R., Krokengen O.C., Vatne G.H., Kristiansen C.K., Hallin E.I., Skoda M.W.A., Wacklin-Knecht H., Jones N.C., Hoffmann S.V. & Kursula P. (2019) Neuropathy-related mutations alter the membrane binding properties of the human myelin protein P0 cytoplasmic tail. PLoS ONE 14:e0216833.

Raasakka A., Jones N.C., Hoffmann S.V. & Kursula P. (2019) Ionic strength and calcium regulate membrane interactions of myelin basic protein and the cytoplasmic domain of myelin protein zero. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 511:7-12.

Raasakka A., Linxweiler H., Brophy P.J., Sherman D.L. & Kursula P. (2019) Direct binding of the flexible C-terminal segment of periaxin to β4 integrin suggests a molecular basis for CMT4F. Front. Mol. Neurosci. 12:84.

Brennecke P, Rasina D, Aubi O, Herzog K, et al. EU-OPENSCREEN: A Novel Collaborative Approach to FacilitateChemical Biology. SLAS Discov. 2019 Mar;24(3):398-413. doi:10.1177/2472555218816276. Epub 2019 Jan 7. PubMed PMID: 30616481.

Aubi O, Knappskog PM, Martinez A. Early Stage Discovery and Validation of Pharmacological Chaperones for the Correction of Protein Misfolding Diseases.Methods Mol Biol. 2019;1873:279-292. doi: 10.1007/978-1-4939-8820-4_18. PubMedPMID: 30341617.

Bezem MT, Johannessen FG, Jung-Kc K, Gundersen ET, Jorge-Finnigan A, Ying M,Betbeder D, Herfindal L, Martinez A. Stabilization of Human Tyrosine Hydroxylasein Maltodextrin Nanoparticles for Delivery to Neuronal Cells and Tissue.Bioconjug Chem. 2018 Feb 21;29(2):493-502. doi: 10.1021/acs.bioconjchem.7b00807.Epub 2018 Jan 31. PubMed PMID: 29299922.

Kersten C, Fleischer E, Kehrein J, Borek C, Jaenicke E, Sotriffer C, Brenk R. How To Design Selective Ligands for Highly Conserved Binding Sites: A Case Study Using N-Myristoyltransferases as a Model System. J Med Chem. 2019 Aug 19. [Epub ahead of print] [Pubmed | DOI]

Raasakka A., Ruskamo S., Kowal J., Han H., Baumann A., Myllykoski M., Fasano A., Rossano R., Riccio P., Bürck J., Ulrich A.S., Stahlberg H. & Kursula P. (2019) Molecular structure and function of myelin protein P0 in membrane stacking. Sci. Rep. 9:642.

Szigetvari P.D., Muruganandam G., Kallio J.P., Hallin E.I., Fossbakk A., Loris R., Kursula I., Møller L.B., Knappskog P.M., Kursula P. & Haavik J. (2019) The quaternary structure of human tyrosine hydroxylase: effects of dystonia-associated missense variants on oligomeric state and enzyme activity. J. Neurochem. 148:291-306.


Klein R, Linciano P, Celenza G, Bellio P, Papaioannou S, Blazquez J, Cendron L, Brenk R, Tondi D. In silico identification and experimental validation of hits active against KPC-2 β-lactamase. PLoS One. 2018 Nov 29;13(11):e0203241. [Pubmed | DOI | bioRxiv]

Hallin E.I., Eriksen M.S., Baryshnikov S., Nikolaienko O., Grødem S., Hosokawa T., Hayashi Y., Bramham C.R. & Kursula P. (2018) Structure of monomeric full-length ARC sheds light on molecular flexibility, protein interactions, and functional modalities. J. Neurochem. 147:323-343.

Laulumaa S., Nieminen T., Raasakka A., Krokengen O.C., Safaryan A., Hallin E.I., Brysbaert G., Lensink M.F., Ruskamo S., Vattulainen I. & Kursula P. (2018) Structure and dynamics of a human myelin protein P2 portal region mutant indicate opening of the β barrel in fatty acid binding proteins. BMC Struct. Biol. 18:8.

Raasakka A., Mahootchi E., Winge I., Luan W., Kursula P. & Haavik J. (2018) Structure of the mouse acidic amino acid decarboxylase GADL1. Acta Cryst. F 74:65-73. 


Urbaneja M.A., Skjærven L., Aubi O., Underhaug J., López D.J., Arregi I., Alonso-Mariño M., Cuevas A., Rodrígues J.A., Martinez A. & Bañuelos S. (2017) Conformational stabilization as a strategy to prevent nucleophosmin mislocalization in leukemia. Sci. Rep. 7:13959. doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-14497-4 

Raasakka A., Ruskamo S., Kowal J., Barker R., Baumann A., Martel A., Tuusa J., Myllykoski M., Bürck J., Ulrich A.S., Stahlberg H. & Kursula P. (2017) Membrane association landscape of myelin basic protein portrays formation of the myelin major dense line. Sci. Rep. 7:4974. doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-05364-3

Ruskamo S., Nieminen T., Kristiansen C., Vatne G., Baumann A., Hallin E., Raasakka A., Joensuu P., Bergmann U., Vattulainen I. & Kursula P. (2017) Molecular mechanisms of Charcot-Marie-Tooth neuropathy linked to mutations in human myelin protein P2. Sci. Rep. 7:6510. doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-06781-0


PhD theses

Frank Christian Kersten, Selectivity determining features in N-myristoyltransferases - a model system for drug targets with conserved binding sites, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, 2017

Thomas Wehler, Structure-based design for the discovery of novel ligands targeting the FMN riboswitch, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, 2017

Arne Raasakka, The characterization of disordered membrane-binding proteins of myelin - a biohysical approach, University of Bergen, 2019