KG Jebsen Center for Genome-Directed Cancertherapy

News archive for KG Jebsen Center for Genome-Directed Cancertherapy

In an interview with journalist Julie Kalveland from Dagens Medisin (04.06.2022) Professor Per Eystein Lønning shares the most important findings from a Norwegian-American collaboration study on BRCA1-methylation in breast and ovarian cancer. These findings were presented orally by Lønning at ASCO (03.06.2022).
Research on PARP inhibitors carried out at Mohn Cancer Research Laboratory and KG Jebsen's center for genome-directed cancer therapy receives attention in the international press after publication in the Annals of Oncology.
Bergens Tidende shares the story of Elisabeth Thomassen, who receives support from the am-car community to raise money to try treatment in the USA.
Bergens Tidende shares the story of Aud and Kristel on 5 November; two ladies who have both been treated for breast cancer.