Polygonal faults in the North Viking Graben
This Master's project is available from the intake of August 2019
Main content
Project description
Polygonal faults are present at several stratigraphic levels in the Northern North Sea. Their formation mechanism is generally believed to be shrinkage due to chemical compaction. As a results of this formation mechanism, polygonal faults are confined to specific strata and do not have a preferred orientation.
However, many of the polygonal faults in the North Sea have preferred orientations. Several faults also have geometries that can be interpreted as results of tectonic activities. Such an interpretation is consistent with the suggestion that sediments moved as slab slides.
This MS thesis will map the occurences of polygonal faults in the northern North Sea, analyze the fault geometries, and evaluate to what extent they can be caused by slab slides.
Proposed course plan during the master's degree (60 ECTS):
GEOV 251 Videregående strukturgeologi 10
GEOV 260 Petroleumsgeologi 10
GEOV 272 Seismisk tolking 10
GEOV 274 Reservoargeofysikk 10
GEOV 352 Petroleumsgeologiske feltmetoder 5
GEOV 360 Sedimentologi og faciesanalyse 5
GEOV 364 Videregående bassenganalyse 5
GEOV 372 Integrert tolking av seismikk og geofysiske data 5
Barchelorgrad i geologi
External data
Seismiske data fra CGG
Felt- lab- og analysearbeid
Studenten vil trenge adgang til fasiliteter for seismisk tolking