Pandemic Centre

News archive for Pandemic Centre

In October, the Pandemic Centre is offering an interdisciplinary course for students on preparedness for health crises. The course is primarily aimed at PhD candidates and master's students and will address a range of exciting issues in collaboration with some of the leading experts at UiB.
In order to coordinate efforts around research in climate and health, the Bjerknes Centre and the Pandemic Centre organized the Climate and Health Initiative on June 14th. Held at Alrek, the session brought together experts and community members to discuss the critical links between climate change and health.
On 26 April, Robert Neil Whittaker defends his doctoral thesis in which he has examined the monitoring of hospital patients who were admitted with covid-19 in Norwegian hospitals between February 2020 and May 2022.
2023 was another exciting and fruitful year for the Pandemic Centre. Now you can read the annual report with a summary of our activities throughout last year.
The pandemic center will lead a newly established working group on migration and pandemics on behalf of the European public health organization EUPHA.
The Pandemic Center continues with our breakfast meetings through the spring term. Join us and hear about cutting-edge research across disciplines regarding pandemics.
During the coronavirus pandemic, Norwegian health authorities used the term "dugnad" to encourage collective infection control measures. New research indicates that the use of such culturally specific terms can be problematic for immigrant groups.
The Pandemic Centre participated in a Round table discussion: “Strengthening the capacity and ensuring the protection of vulnerable migrants, asylum seekers and refugees” organized by INTERSOS Hellas
The Pandemic Centre will collaborate with the University of Gdansk to exchange experiences from the health ambassdor project that was organized in Bergen during the covid 19-pandemic. The goal is to adapt the same model in a polish context and among Ukrainian immigrants in Poland.
Friday 27th of October the Pandemic Centre at UiB celebrated 3 years of existence by inviting to the first international conference. The topic for this year's conference was long term consequences of the covid-19 pandemic.
PhD-students with different backgrounds are participating in the Pandemic Centre's interdisciplinary PhD-course this semester. The students hope the course will give them a broader understanding of the complex issues during a pandemic.
PhD candidate Pierina Benavente at the Pandemic Center has recently published her first article in an international journal. In the article, she presents findings about the health situation among migrant working in Norway during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Fulbright-student Leah Eliza Balter from the United States has recently started a new research-project at The Pandemic Centre. She will explore how Norway’s Covid-19 experiences may have influenced the response to the Ukrainian refugee crisis that happened simultaneously.
Professor Preben Aavitsland at the Pandemic Center is head of two international committees appointed by WHO's Director-General to advise WHO on how the covid-19 pandemic and mpox-outbreak should be handled in the coming years.
In October, the Pandemic Center offers an interdisciplinary course for students on learning from the covid-19 pandemic. The course is primarily aimed at PhD candidates and will address a number of exciting issues in collaboration with some of the leading professionals at UiB.
The Pandemic Centre's Research Catalyst continues through the spring. The events are open to students and academics who want to enlighten pandemic-related topics from different perspectives.
During the conference on "Pandemic, diversity and social inequality" in Bergen in October, researchers started working on a declaration based on knowledge and experiences from the pandemic. The declaration has now been published and is open to read.
