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Digital gjesteforelesning

Forholdet mellom Norge og Kina

"Geopolitiske konkurranser i Europas fjerne nord" ved Marc Lanteigne, UIT Norges arktiske universitet.

Honningsvåg in Norway
B Lucava on Flickr

Main content

Since the restoration of diplomatic relations between China and Norway in 2016, Oslo has sought to balance its Western and Chinese interests better, especially as Beijing’s Belt and Road extends into the Arctic region. However, while Norway continues to seek a stronger economic relationship with China, including via free trade negotiations, the shifting security milieu in Northern Europe, including a growing NATO presence and closer Sino-Russian cooperation, have affected these plans. Moreover, as China seeks to further its Arctic strategic interests, Norway is finding itself to be a ‘front-line state’ in what is emerging as a greater geopolitical competition in the far north.

Recording of lecture

The lecture was recorded and can be listened to here: