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Forholdet mellom Sørøst-Europa og Kina

“Kinas tilstedeværelse i Europas sørøstlige periferi" ved Plamen Tonchev, Institute for International Economic Relations (Athens).

Wolfgang Manousek on Flickr

Main content

There is an ever-growing body of literature on China’s increasing presence in various countries in the Eastern Mediterranean, the Black Sea basin, and the Western Balkans as separate sub-regions. This lecture draws on recent research that brings together more than 20 countries in this vast area defined as “Europe’s southeastern periphery.” Examining economic cooperation, political relations, military cooperation, and cultural ties, it addresses (1) the drivers of engagement between China and countries in the region; (2) key trends in the relations between China and countries in the region; and (3) patterns emerging from the analysis of China’s behavior in the region.

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Foredraget ble spilt inn og kan ses her:

Southeastern Europe-China Relations: China’s Presence in Europe’s Southeastern Periphery”
