Forholdet mellom det sentrale Øst-Europa og Kina
“Om 16+1-plattformen, EU og skuffelser” ved Richard Q. Turcsanyi, Mendel University (Brno), Central European Institute of Asian Studies (Bratislava), Palacky University Olomouc.
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Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) had few historical opportunities to interact with China, but the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) and the 16+1 platform changed this dramatically. The CEE region is in a specific position vis-à-vis China, for it is structurally in between the developed and the developing world. Moreover, the EU membership adds some critical features which make the Chinese offer less applicable and appealing. Focusing on more recent development in the China-CEE relations, the lecture first explains why the CEE countries became excited about China initially but were then left prevailingly disappointed. Then, it assesses the implications of the new era of China-CEE relations for EU affairs and, more broadly, on China’s relations with the developing world.
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