Department of Archaeology, History, Cultural Studies and Religion

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Prøveforelesning : Sumanya Velamur (Religionsvitenskap)

Sumanya Velamur prøveforeleser for ph.d.-graden ved Universitetet i Bergen, 09.06.2022.

Main content

Oppgitt emne

"Relationship of public memory, lived experience and space in cities in India"


*The trial lecture has been approved.

The PhD examination continues tomorrow with the public defense. Please go to the event titled, “Disputas : Sumanya Velamur (Religionsvitenskap)” for the zoom link to the public defense.


Disputas og prøveforelesning går digitalt via Zoom.

Zoom meeting link for trial lecture: https://uib.zoom.us/j/62657457700?pwd=cEJTWnM0dW5GR0JGdmc2MS9SU1FVdz09

Meeting ID: 626 5745 7700

Password: 3yrFtNcP


Prøveforelesningen avholdes på engelsk. Avhandlingen er tilgjengelig i BORA.

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