Centre for Women's and Gender Research

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Workshop om mangfald

Med støtte frå Meltzer-fondet inviterer forskargruppa ved Senter for kvinne- og kjønnsforsking (SKOK) medlemmer av arbeidsgruppa for UiB sin nye strategi, Likestillingskomiteen og rektoratet til ein workshop om mangfald.

Ida Bloms hus, side entrance
Forskargruppa Kjønns- og seksualitetsforskningens grunnlagsproblemer møtes annankvar veke på Ida Bloms hus.
Thor Brødreskift/UiB

Main content

Workshopen er kun open for inviterterte medlemmer av arbeidsgruppa for UiB sin nye strategi, Likestillingskomiteen og tilsette i rektoratet, som har fått invitasjon på e-post.

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Om workshopen:

UiB aims to be a welcoming and attractive place for students and staff, based on the value of diversity and equality. This vision statement forms the basis for the ongoing work on a new UiB strategy (2023–2030).

However, it is unclear how diversity is understood and how the diversity vision translates into action. With its limited and general focus on primarily legal responsibilities, the university’s new action plan for diversity, inclusion and equality (2022–2026) does not offer much in terms of guidelines for action.

We therefore invite you to a discussion and reflection on what diversity and inclusion could mean at both the policy level and in the daily lives of staff, students and leadership at UiB.  

How can we think about legal responsibilities and deeper structural changes simultaneously in understanding, planning and doing equity work concerning e.g., racism, (hetero)sexism and ableism? What are the possibilities and pitfalls connected to the language we use to speak about and understand diversity and inclusion?

To initiate the discussion, we have invited Svati Shah from University of Massachusetts and affiliated with SKOK and the Global Research Programme on Inequality (GRIP) and Ro Averin who is affiliated with SKOK’s research group and runs a workplace consultancy on diversity.