Department of Archaeology, History, Cultural Studies and Religion

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Senter for Midtøsten- og islamske studier

Forskergruppen samler forskere fra ulike institutter og fakultet ved Universitetet i Bergen som er interessert i studiet av islam, Midtøsten og den muslimske verden.

A dhow in front of the skyline of Doha, Qatar
En dhow foran skyline av Doha, Qatar.
Anne K. Bang

Main content

I finansieringsperioden 2023–2025 vil aktivitetene til den tverrfaglige forskergruppen fokusere på forskningstemaet Transregional Development and Local Communities in the Islamic World, og drar dermed nytte av medlemmenes kompetanse i å studere globale sammenhenger og lokale forhold i områder som Nord- og Øst-Afrika, Den arabiske halvøy, Levanten, Tyrkia, Sør-Asia og rundt muslimske minoriteter i Europa.

Forskergruppens mål

Forskergruppen etterstreber å:

  • tjene som et knutepunkt for forskningsnettverk i og utenfor Bergen,
  • publisere forsking av høy kvalitet på sitt tema,
  • bidra til karriereutviklingen for yngre forskere,
  • bistå medlemmene med å utvikle forskningsprosjekter,
  • fremme tverrfaglig utveksling,
  • formidle kunnskap om islam og Midtøsten,
  • og øke synligheten av relevante forskningsaktiviteter ved Universitetet i Bergen.

For å oppnå disse målene arrangerer forskergruppen regelmessige aktiviteter, slik som akademiske lunsjer, gjesteforelesninger, PhD-seminar og internasjonale workshopper.

Forskergruppen bygger i dette på sitt forskingsbibliotek, og samarbeider med andre forskergrupper, prosjekter og enheter ved Universitetet i Bergen, Chr. Michelsen Institutt, og akademiske institusjoner i Norge, Norden og internasjonalt.

    Market area in the centre of Sanaa, Yemen, at dusk

    Landbruksterrasser i Bayt Qadam, Hajja, Yemen.

    Eirik Hovden

    Nylige publikasjoner

    Nylige publikasjoner fra medlemmer av forskningsgruppen inkluderer:


    Mauder, Christian. “Ottomanization before the Conquest? Mamluk-Ottoman Religious and Cultural Entanglements in the Courtly Salons of Qāniṣawh al-Ghawrī and Post-Conquest Gatherings.” In The Mamluk-Ottoman Transition: Continuity and Change in Egypt and Bilād al-Shām in the Sixteenth Century II. Edited by Stephan Conermann and Gül Şen, 409–453. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2022.

    Tsakos, Alexandros. “Coptic Literary Texts from Nubia.” In Coptic Literature: Proceedings of the Ninth International Symposium of Coptic Studies by the Saint Mark Foundation Monastery of St. Bishoi (Wadi al-Natrun), 10-14 February 2019. Edited by Samuel Moawad, 323–336. Shaker Heights: Saint Mark Foundation, 2022.

    Vikør, Knut S. “Pathways and Formations of ‘African Sufism.’” In Routledge Handbook of Islam in Africa. Edited by Terje Østebø, 50–61. London: Routledge, 2022.

    Vikør, Knut S. “When Does a Ṭarīqa Become a Ṭarīqa? The Story of a Break-up.” In Islam, Revival and Reform: Redefining Tradition for the Twenty-First Century. Essays Inspired by John O. Voll. Edited by Natana DeLong-Bas, 53–83, Syracuse: Syracuse University Press, 2022.

    Vikør, Knut S. “Legal Authority and Interpretation in Islamic Law.” In Sharia Law in the Twenty-First Century. Edited by Muhammad Khalid Masud and Hana Jalloul Muro, 87–104. London: AnchorWorld Scientific Publishing Europe, 2022.


    Bang, Anne K. “The ‘Travelling Scholar’ in African Islamic Traditions: Local, Regional, and Global Worlds.” In Routledge Handbook of Islam in Africa. Edited by Terje Østebø, 21–35. London: Routledge, 2021.

    Hafsaas, Henriette, and Tsakos, Alexandros. “Michael and other Archangels behind an Eight-Pointed Cross-Symbol from Medieval Nubia: A View from Sai Island in Northern Sudan.” Pharos Journal of Theology 102 (2021): 1–17.

    Heiss, Johann, Hovden, Eirik, and Kommer, Odile. “Conceptualizing City-Hinterland Relations and Governance: Medieval Sanaa as a Case Study.” In Practicing Community in Urban and Rural Eurasia (1000–1600): Comparative Perspectives and Interdisciplinary Approaches. Edited by Fabian Kümmeler, Judit Majorossy, and Eirik Hovden, 103–117. Leiden: Brill, 2021.

    Hovden, Eirik. “Defining Rules of Rural-Urban Flows: Endowments, Authority and Law in Medieval Zaydi Yemen in a Comparative Perspective.” In Practicing Community in Urban and Rural Eurasia (1000–1600): Comparative Perspectives and Interdisciplinary Approaches. Edited by Fabian Kümmeler, Judit Majorossy, and Eirik Hovden, 309–322. Leiden: Brill, 2021.

    Hovden, Eirik. “al-Manṣūr bi-llah Qāsim b. Muḥammad.” Edited by Kate Fleet et al. In Encyclopaedia of Islam Three. Leiden: Brill, 2021.

    Jacobsen, Christine M. “God Will Reward You: Muslim Practices of Caring for Precarious Migrants in the Context of Secular Suspicion.” Contemporary Islam 15 (2021): 153–168.

    Mauder, Christian. In the Sultan’s Salon: Learning, Religion and Rulership at the Mamluk Court of Qāniṣawh al-Ghawrī (r. 1501-1516). 2 vols., Leiden: Brill, 2021.

    Kümmeler, Fabian, Majorossy, Judit, and Hovden, Eirik, eds. Practicing Community in Urban and Rural Eurasia (1000–1600): Comparative Perspectives and Interdisciplinary Approaches. Leiden: Brill, 2021.

    Mauder, Christian. “Between Religious Pluralism and Confessional Identity: The Ethical Writings of Miskawayh’s Teacher Yaḥyā ibn ʿAdī.” In Islamic Ethics as Educational Discourse: Thought and Impact of the Classical Muslim Thinker Miskawayh (d. 1030). Edited by Sebastian Günther and Yassir El Jamouhi, 161–177. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2021.

    Mauder, Christian. “‘And They Read in That Night Books of History’: Consuming, Discussing, and Producing Texts about the Past in al-Ghawrī’s Majālis as Social Practices.” In New Readings in Arabic Historiography from Late Medieval Egypt and Syria: Proceedings of the Themed Day of the Fifth Conference of Mamluk Studies. Edited by Jo van Steenbergen and Maya Termonia, 401–428. Leiden: Brill, 2021.

    Mauder, Christian. “Education and Learning among Members of the Mamluk Army: Results of a Quantitative Analysis of Mamluk Biographies.” In History and Society during the Mamluk Period (1250–1517): Studies of the Annemarie Schimmel Institute for Advanced Study III. Edited by Bethany Walker and Abdelkader Al Ghouz, 61–88. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2021. 

    Mauder, Christian. “A Severed Head, a Poetry Slam, and a Shiʿī Visiting al-Shāfiʿī’s Tomb: Symbolic and Literary Communication in Mamluk-Safawid Diplomatic Encounters.” In Studies on the History and Culture of the Mamluk Sultanate (1250–1517). Edited by Stephan Conermann and Toru Miura, 139–161. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2021.

    Tsakos, Alexandros. “Invoking Archangels Graphically: The Archangel Michael in Nubia as a Case Study.” In Inventer les anges de l’Antiquité à Byzance: Conception, représentation, perception. Edited by Delphine Lauritzen, 461–478. Paris: Association des Amis du Centre d’Histoire et Civilisation de Byzance, 2021.

    Tsakos, Alexandros, “Medieval/Christian Nubia.” In Oxford Research Encyclopedia of African History. Edited by Thomas Spear et al. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2021.

    Vikør, Knut S. “Sufi Sultanates and Imamates.” In Sufi Institutions (Handbook of Oriental Studies. Section 1. The Near and Middle East: 1. Handbook of Sufi Studies, 1). Edited by Alexandre Papas, 322–331. Leiden: Brill 2021.


    Heiss, Johann, and Hovden, Eirik. “Zaydī Theology Popularized: A Hailstorm Hitting the Heterodox.” In Cultures of Eschatology, vol. 1: Worldly Empires and Scriptural Authorities in Medieval Christian, Islamic, and Buddhist Communities. Edited by Veronika Wieser, Vincent Eltschinger, and Johann Heiss, 415–440. Berlin: DeGruyter, 2020.

    Mauder, Christian. “Being Persian in Late Mamluk Egypt: The Construction and Significance of Persian Ethnic Identity in the Salons of Sultan Qāniṣawh al-Ghawrī (r. 906–922/1501–1516).” Al-ʿUṣūr al-Wusṭā: The Journal of Middle East Medievalists 28 (2020): 376–408.

    Mauder, Christian. “The Development of Arabo-Islamic Education among Members of the Mamluk Military.” In Knowledge and Education in Classical Islam: Religious Learning between Continuity and Change. Edited by Sebastian Günther, 963–983. Leiden: Brill, 2020.

    Mauder, Christian. “Der Sultan, sein geschwätziger Barbier und die Sufis: Ibn Iyās über den Fall des Kamāl ad-Dīn b. Šams im Kairo des 16. Jahrhunderts.” In Macht bei Hofe: Narrative Darstellungen in ausgewählten Quellen: Ein interdisziplinärer Reader. Edited by Stephan Conermann and Anna Kollatz, 79–98. Schenefeld: EB-Verlag, 2020.

    Vikør, Knut S. “Ibadism and Law in Historical Contexts.” Oñati Socio-Legal Series 10.5 (2020): 960–984.

    Manuscript confirming estate ownership, North Darfur, Sudan

    Manuskript som bekrefter eiendomseierskap, Nord-Darfur, Sudan. O'Fahey-samlingen, arkiv 47.

    Special Collections, University of Bergen Library

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