Christine M. Jacobsen


Professor, Guest Researcher at SKOK


Research groups

Short info

I am professor of social anthropology, working on issues related to migration and diversity. My current research uses temporality as analytical lens to examine power relations in migration management and time experiences in migration, focusing ethnographically on undocumented migrants in Marseille

I am Professor of Social Anthropology working mainly with questions related to migration and diversity.

My current research uses temporality as an analytical lense to examine power relations and experiences in irregular migration, a topic we develop in the edited volume Waiting and the Temporalities of Irregular Migration with Shahram Khosravi and Marry-Anne Karlsen. Based on ethnographic fieldwork with irregularized migrants in Marseille, I am currently writing a monograph with the working title Un/documented lives in Marseille: Temporality, Gender and Migration.

I worked for a number of years on gendered religious traditions, identities and practices among young Muslims in Norway and France, in a context of international migration, globalization and secular modernity. I also researched ‘secular formations’; looking at gender and sexuality in the legal and para-legal government of religious practices (such as female covering) in Norway and France. 

My work also includes the topics of prostitution, gender and migration, and  transnationalism and political mobilisation among young adults of minority background. In the PROTECT project, I focused on how the concept of vulnerability is used in the governance of asylum seekers in France. 


Migration and temporality: the case of migrants ‘waiting for regularisation’ in Marseille. Séminaire commun de département POLICY, Institut Convergences Migration, Campus Concordet, Paris. 30.03.2022. 

Fieldwork studies of the governance of international protection in practice: a comparative perspective. Department of Political and Social Sciences, University of Catania. 16.02.2022. 

Entangled temporalities and im/mobilities: the case of 'migrants waiting for regularisation' in Marseille. Department of Political and Social Sciences, University of Catania. 21.02.2022.

Chronopolitics and knowledge production in migration studies. The Center for Race & Gender (CRG), University of Berkeley, California, Thursday, Apr 15, 2021 (recording of zoom webinar)

When “vulnerability” is at stake: discourses on precarious lives in Marseille, Blogpost for PROTECT. March 8th 2021

Waiting for uncertain futures: Time and migration, WAIT Closing Conference, Podcasts

Waiting for uncertain futures in pandemic times, Blogpost for WAIT, April 16th 2020

How is the Covid-19 pandemic affecting migrants with precarious legal status? Blogpost for WAIT, April 16th 2020

The power-chronographies of waiting for asylum in Marseille, France. Invited lecture, Department of Anthropology and Sociology SOAS, University of London. 28.10.2020.

‘Waitinghood and acceleration: the temporalities of un/documented lives in Marseille’, at the Conference Staying, Moving, Settling, European Association of Social Anthropologists Conference. 14-17 Aug. 2018

'Waiting between hope and violence' (with Drangsland, Kari-Anne) Paper presented at the Conference The Social Life of Time: Power, Discrimination and Transformation, University of Edinburgh, 5-7 juni. Session 7: in Backdoor Broadcasting: Academic Podcasts. Access:

'Waiting for an Uncertain Future: The Temporalities of Irregular Migration and Asylum Policymaking', paper presented at the Conference Whither European asylum policy? A pendulum between universalisation and re-nationalisation, Organized by the Faculty of Social Sciences, the Strategic Working Group of Leaders for Global Challenges at the University of Bergen and the University of Bergen's Brussels office. 

Presentation of the research project 'WAIT- Waiting for an uncertain future: The temporalities of irregular migration' at the Health Care for Undocumented Migrants, Nordic Seminar 4th-5th of May 2018, Bergen, Norway.

'The Transformative Effects of Migration on Gender in Politics and Society' at The Transformative Consequences of International Migration symposium 9 March, 2018, organised by UiB Research Unit on International Migration and Ethnic Relations (IMER Bergen) in collaboration with Global Challenges, University of Bergen.

'Dieu vous le rendra: Caring for Others and the Self in the Context of 'Migration Crisis' and 'Secular Suspicion', invited paper Presented at the Conferenence Muslim Care Beyond the Self: Ethics of Care among Muslims and their Neighbours, the Anthropology Research Program, Aarhus University, 11. December 2017.

'Penser l'attente et la temporalité dans l'immigration irrégulier', presentation by Christine M. Jacobsen and Sandrine Musso in the Seminar Series Frontières, temporalités, matérialités au prisme de la Santé, Centre Norbert Elias, Marseille, 9 November 2017.  

Key note lecture/panelist “Gender, time and the irregularization of migrants in Europe”, at the Sex, migration and new world (dis)order conference organized by DIIS and Bernard College, Danish Film Institute, Copenhagen May 31. 2017.

Guest lecture “Times of Migration: Un/documented Lives in Marseille”, at The Centre for Advanced Migration Studies (AMIS), Copenhagen March 24. 2017.

Key note lecture “Irregular migrant’s ‘precarious inclusion’ in European health care regimes”, Norwegian Forum for Global Health Research anniversary seminar, Oslo January 12. 2017.

Kjønnsavdelingen episode 5: Migrasjon Er kvinner på flukt ekstra utsatt? Og utgjør innvandring en trussel mot den norske likestillingen? Femte episode av Kjønnsavdelingen tar for seg likestillingsspørsmålet i migrasjon.

"Cross-discipline approaches to migration temporalities", paper presented at Transatlantic Forum, Big Challenges Human Solutions. October 24-25, 2016 The University of Chicago. View the presentation here (starts at 11:51 in the video).

Kva skjer med de som ventar, intervju med På Høyden om prosjektet: Waiting for an uncertain future: the temporalities of irregular migration

Podcast: 'Provision of welfare to irregular migrants: exploring the borders of the Norwegian welfare state'. Jacobsen, Bendixsen and Karlsen outline findings from the project PROVIR, examining the access to welfare and its limitations for irregular migrants in Norway. Part of the COMPAS Seminar Series Trinity 2014- Borders of the welfare state: Exploring the tensions between migration enforcement and welfare state entitlements

 I lovens skygge. Irregulære migranter har svakt rettsvern i Norge.

 Nye stemmer utfordrer, intervju om boka Kritiske hendelser - nye stemmer.

 Doktorgrad på unge norske muslimer


Academic lecture
Masters thesis
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Academic article
Doctoral dissertation
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Popular scientific lecture
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Popular scientific chapter/article
Programme management
Academic monograph
Other product
Programme participation
Popular scientific article
Book review

See a complete overview of publications in Cristin.

 Books and edited volumes:  

*Waiting and the Temporalities of Irregular Migration (co-edited with Marry-Anne Karlsen and Shahram Khosravi). London: Routledge, 2020. 

*Eksepsjonell velferd? Irregulære migranter i det norske velferdssamfunnet (redigert sammen med Synnøve S.N. Bendixsen and Karl Harald Søvig). Oslo: Gyldendal akademiske, 2015

*Nye stemmer – kritiske hendelser: Politisk engasjement og transnasjonal orientering i det nye Norge (co-authored with M. Andersson, J. Rogstad, V. Vestel). Oslo: Universitetsforlaget , 2012

*Islam and Gender in Europe: Subjectivities, Politics &Piety, Special Issue of Feminist Review(co-edited with Schirin Amir-Moazami and Maleiha Malik), 98(2), 2011

*Islamic Traditions and Muslim Youth in Norway. Leiden: Brill, 2011.

 *Tilhørighetens mange former. Unge muslimer i Oslo. Oslo: Unipax. 2002.


Journal articles

Jacobsen, Christine M. Vulnerability governance as differential inclusion: the struggles of asylum seekers in Marseille. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies. DOI: 10.1080/1369183X.2023.2293636

Jacobsen, Christine M. 2022. Kollaps, utkastelse, okkupasjon: migranters boligsituasjon i Marseille. Norsk Antropologisk Tidsskrift 33 (3-4): 244-261. 

Jacobsen, Christine M. 2022. Temporalités et politiques du corps migrant/Temporality and the politics of the migrant body. Anthropologie & Santé Revue internationale francophone d'anthropologie de la santé 24 bis (hors-série) | 2022 Sandrine Musso. OEuvre et posture en anthropologie politique, publique et impliquée. 

"God will reward you: Muslim practices of caring for precarious migrants in the context of secular suspicion". Contemporary Islam 15, 153–168 (2021).

“'Look into My Eyes': Music, Religion, and the Politics of Muslim Youth in Norway”, (with Viggo Vestel), in Journal of Muslims in Europe, 7(1), 2018. 

“Veiled Nannies and Secular Futures in France”, Ethnos, 83(3): 544-566, 2017. 

'Gender, sex and religious freedom in the context of secular law', roundtable with Jacobsen, C.M., Fernando, M. & Jakobsen, J. Feminist Review (2016) 113: 93.

"Communicating Irregular Migration", American Behavioral Scientist, 59 (7) 2015: 886-897    

 “Perspectives on gender studies in Denmark, Norway and Sweden” (with Pauline Stoltz, Christine M. Jacobsen, Lena Gemzöe and Margaretha Fahlgren) Rita Bencivenga (ed.) in About Gender – International Journal of Gender Studies 4 (7), 2015

"Citoyen intolerable: tolerance, Islam et homosexualite" (with Randi E. Gressgård). Nordiques 2014 (28): 41-49

"‘Gaza in Oslo’: Social imaginaries in the political engagement of Norwegian minority youth" (with Mette Andersson). In Ethnicities, 12(6), 2012: 821 - 843.

"Troublesome threesome. Feminism, anthropology and Muslim women's piety". Feminist Review, 98(1) 2011: 65-82.

"Islam and gender in Europe. Subjectivities, politics and piety (editorial)" (with Schirin Amir-Moazami and Maleiha Malik). Feminist Review, 98(1) 2011: 1-8.

“Muslim women and foreign prostitutes. Victim discourse, subjectivity and governance” (with Dag Stenvoll), Social Politics, International Studies in Gender, State and Society 17(3) 2010:  270-294.

“‘Reproachable victims’? Representations and self-representations of Russian women in transnational prostitution” (with May-Len Skilbrei), in Ethnos 75(2) 2010: 190-212.

“De l′immigrant au citoyen: la production de “musulmans norvégiens”?, Ethnologie Française 39(2) 2009: 229-239.

“Krevende toleranse. Islam og homoseksualitet”  (with Randi E. Gressgård), Tidsskrift for kjønnsforskning 32(2) 2008: 22-40.

“Theory and Politics in Research on Muslim Minorities in Norway”, Journal for the Scientific Study of Islam, 3(2) 2008: 27-52.

“Negotiating Gender: Discourse and Practice among Young Muslims in Norway”, Nordic Journal of Religion and Society, 17(1) 2004: 5-28.

“Questions of Gender in a Multicultural Society” (with Randi E. Gressgård), Nordic Journal of Feminist and Gender Research (NORA) 11(2) 2003: 69-77.

Book chapters

(With Marry-Anne Karlsen) "The Meanings of Chronopolitics and Temporal Awareness in Feminist Ethnographic Research". In Pluriversal Conversations on Transnational Feminisms: And Words Collide from a Place. Edited By Nina Lykke, Redi Koobak, Petra Bakos, Swati Arora, Kharnita Mohamed. Routledge: London and New York, 2023. 

‘They said wait, wait – and I waited’ The power chronographies of waiting for asylum in Marseille, France, in Christine M. Jacobsen, Marry-Anne Karlsen and Shahram Khosravi (eds.) Waiting and the Temporalities of Irregular Migration. Routledge: London and New York, 2021.

'On Feminist Critique and How the Ontological Turn is Queering Anthropology' (m. Annelin Eriksen), in Paul Boyce, EJ Gonzalez-Polledo and Silvia Posocco – (Eds.) Queering Knowledge: Analytics, Devices and Investments after Marilyn Strathern. Routledge: London and New York, 2019.

'The (In)egalitarian Dynamics of Gender Equality and Homotolerance in Contemporary Norway', in Bendixsen, Synnøve, Bringslid, Mary Bente og Vike, Halvard (eds.), Egalitarianism in Scandinavia: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives, Palgrave, 2018.

'Begreper og perspektiver i forskning omkring irregulære migranter og velferd', in *Eksepsjonell velferd? Irregulære migranter i det norske velferdssamfunnet (Synnøve S.N. Bendixsen, Christine M. Jacobsen and Karl Harald Søvig). Oslo: Gyldendal akademiske, 2015   

(with Oddbjørn Leirvik) “Norway” in Jørgen S. Nielsen (ed.) Yearbook of Muslims in Europe, Leiden: Brill, 2009, updated 2010, 2011, 2012. 2013.

 “Norway”, in Göran Larsson (ed.) Islam in the Nordic and Baltic countries, London: Routledge, 2009.

(with Randi Gressgård) “Beyond ′Man′: In Defence of Multidimensional Identities”, in Yngve G. Lithman and Hakan G. Sicakkan (eds.) Envisioning Togetherness: Politics of Identity and Forms of Belonging. Lewiston, New York: Edwin Mellen Press, 2006.

 “Religiosity of Young Muslims in Norway: the Quest for Authenticity”, in Jocelyne Cesari and Sean McLoughlin (eds.) European Muslims and the Secular State, Aldershot: Ashgate, 2005.

 “Muslim GenDerations. Questions of Identity in the Return to Islam”. In Lithman, Y.G. and Andersson, M. (eds.) Youth, Otherness and the Plural City: Modes of Belonging and Social Life, Stockholm: Daidalos, 2005.

(with Randi Gressgård) “En kvinner er ikke bare en kvinne. Kjønnsproblematikk i et flerkulturelt samfunn”. In Cathrine Holst (red.) Kjønnsrettferdighet. Utfordringer for feministisk politikk. 1. utg. Makt- og demokratiutredningen, Oslo: Gyldendal Akademiske, 2002.

(2) Christine M. Jacobsen (


Speculative Urban Futures: Inequality and Migration (Global Societal Challenges, GSU, UiB)

WAIT WAiting for an uncertain future: the temporalities of irregular migration (Research Council of Norway)

PROTECT: The Right to International Protection. A Pendulum between Globalization and Nativization? (EU, Horizon 2020)

Native/Immigrant/Refugee: Crossings (Peder Saether Grant)

New tools for transnational analysis in postgraduate intersectional gender research - Towards long-term international collaborations in Doctoral and Postdoctoral training (STINT)

Denaturalizing difference: Challenging the production of global social inequality (Research Council of Norway)

Migration and Health Project Southern Africa, Associate