Research Group for Climate, Energy and Environmental Law

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Førsteamanuensis Ignacio Herrera Anchustegui valgt inn i ekspertrådet JTPeers Experts database av EU-kommisjonen

Ignacio Herrera Anchustegui skal veilede og assistere EU-land med sin juridiske ekspertise for å sørge for at overgangen til en klimanøytral økonomi skjer på en rettferdig måte.

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Ignacio Herrera Anchustegui

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Førsteamanuensis Ignacio Herrera Anchustegui har blitt valgt ut som ekspertmedlem av JTPeers Experts database (Just Transition Platform). Databasen inneholder eksperter fra relevante felt i 23 land. Formålet med databasen er å hjelpe medlemsland med å kontakte eksperter ved behov. Ekspertene kan gi veiledning og assistanse til territoriene i gjennomføringen av deres Territorial Just Transition Plans (TJTP). 

Kommisjonen skriver følgende om Ignacio: 

“Ignacio Herrera Anchustegui is an Associate Professor in Energy, Competition and Public Procurement Law as well as Leader of the Research Group for Climate, Energy and Environmental Law at the University of Bergen. He published various papers on energy transition and has expertise in energy justice regulation concerning offshore wind projects, stakeholder engagement and stakeholder participation in offshore energy projects. Ignacio participated and arranged many high-level events promoting academic discussion and social engagement related to energy transition in Scandinavia and has knowledge about different legal systems across Europe.”

Litt om The Just Transition Platform: 

The Just Transition Platform (JTP) is the key tool to help EU Member States and regions unlock support available through the Just Transition Mechanism (JTM). It ensures that all stakeholders have the guidance, information and knowledge they need to support Europe's just transition to a sustainable, climate-neutral economy. Established in 2020, the JTP is your single access point to information about the support for the EU territories most affected by the transition. It provides technical assistance and advice, including a dedicated helpdesk. The Platform also promotes sharing of knowledge and exchanges of best practices to a wide range of stakeholders, particularly in regions dependent on fossil fuels or carbon-intensive industries.

The Platform organises regular events for all stakeholders and gives the floor to financial actors, social partners, business representatives, youth organisations and transition experts to discuss the needs and challenges of the just transition. Another key initiative involves four dedicated JTP Working Groups for carbon-intensive regions, focusing on steel, cement, chemicals and horizontal stakeholder strategy.

Les mer om Just Transition her.

Forskergruppen ønsker Ignacio lykke til med arbeidet!