Centre for Translational Research in Epidemiology (TRACE)

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Trace seminarer

TRACE Seminarer høst 2024

Målet med TRACE-seminarene er å gi kunnskap om feltet translasjonsforskning innen epidemiologi og gi en bedre forståelse av årsaksmekanismene bak ikke-smittsomme sykdommer (NCD). Seminarene er organisert som månedlige møter.

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Planlagte seminarer høst 2024:


Time: September 25 at 12:00 
Place: Seminar room Midgard (0B20) at Alrek (Årstadveien 17)

Title: A semi-physical mathematical model on the interactions between the ovulatory-menstrual cycle, the metabolic and cardiovascular systems
Speaker: PhD student Carolina Ramírez Mazo, National University of Colombia, Medellín, Colombia

Time: October 23 at 12:00 
Place: Seminar room Edda (0H17) at Alrek (Årstadveien 17)

Title: A novel integrative multi-omics strategy: Detecting genotype-methylation interactions across the genome
Speaker: PhD student Ellisif Nygaard, EPISTAT, Department of Global Public Health and Primary Care, UiB 

Time: November 13 at 12:00 
Place: Seminar room Edda (0H17) at Alrek (Årstadveien 17)

Title: To be announced.
Speaker: PhD Even Birkeland, Norwegian Institute of Public Health 

Time: December 4 at 12:00 
Place: Seminar room Midgard (0B20) at Alrek (Årstadveien 17) 

Title: The physiological impact of a universal protein modification
Speaker: Professor Thomas Arnesen, Department of Biomedicine, UiB
