Centre for Translational Research in Epidemiology (TRACE)
Research project

The role of pregnancy and perinatal factors in maternal and offspring cancer risk: The impact of women’s complete reproductive histories (CORECA)

The CORECA projects aims to identify patterns and risk factors for maternal and offspring cancer in relation to full maternal reproductive histories, in addition to in utero exposures for the offspring.

Viser mor, barn og barnevogn

Main content

The reproductive history of a woman has a long-lasting impact on her future cancer risk. In utero exposures as well as own reproductive history may also have an impact on later adult cancer risk in the offspring. In this comprehensive project, taking advantage of nationwide population-based registries and databases, we will apply machine learning methods and causal inference methodology to identify patterns and risk factors for maternal cancer in relation to the women’s full reproductive history as well as own reproductive history and in utero exposure for the offspring. A thorough understanding of the impact of reproductive health on future maternal and offspring cancer risk is crucial as the childbearing patterns in the population are shifting, i.e., women are having fewer children and are giving birth at older ages.

The project group consists of researchers from the Faculty of Medicine and the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences/Department of Informatics at the University of Bergen. The project group also includes Danish (from Aarhus University) and American (from Harvard Medical School and Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health, and the National Cancer Institute) researchers.

Local project group
•    Tone Bjørge 
•    Anders Engeland 
•    Øystein A. Haaland 
•    Anagha Joshi 
•    Kari Klungsøyr 
•    Tom Michoel 

International collaboration
•    Janet Rich-Edwards (Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health, USA)
•    Henrik Toft Sørensen (Aarhus University, Denmark)
•    Rebecca Troisi (National Cancer Institute, USA)


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