
Department of Clinical Science

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Department of Clinical Science aims to conduct research, guidance and teaching at a high international level. The department has important tasks in the training of new doctors, master degree programs, and PhD education within medicine and pharmacy.

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Studying at Department of Clinical Science

Department of Clinical Science is responsible for 45 courses, mainly within the professional programmes in medicine and pharmacy, but we also offer courses for the professional programme in odontology and dental assistant programme, as well as master courses within immunology and virology. The master courses are also open for master students at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences and the Faculty of Psychology. Click here for a list of courses offererd at the department.

en mørkhudet mann titter inn i et mikroskop

EU backs life-saving research: Tackling child diarrhea in low-income countries

Diarrhea is the second leading cause of child mortality in low-income countries, following pneumonia. To tackle this issue, a consortium coordinated by UiB-professor Kurt Hanevik has secured EU funding to improve diagnosis and treatment of diarrheal diseases.

Bilde som er som en mini vitenskapelig poster med masse tegninger, piler og figurer

A step towards personalized diabetes treatment

Research at UiB and Haukeland gives insight into a particular form of diabetes that can be treated with alternative drugs.

en lege undersøker brystet til en kvinne

Early life gene epimutation may cause breast cancer

UiB research reveals that around 20 per cent of all cases of the most severe form of breast cancer may arise from the small group of normal tissue cells carrying an epimutation of a specific gene.

News | Press Release
Baby ligger i sengen

Appetite genes control how children grow

Researchers at Center for Diabetes Research, UiB, have found that the weight of babies is controlled by their genes. The findings provide insight into the mechanisms that control appetite and energy metabolism early in life and can help us find better treatment for obesity in adolescence and adulthood.

Bergen Postgraduate School of Clinical Medical Reserch

The Bergen Postgraduate School of Clinical Medical Research arrange network meetings and PhD courses for all interested PhD-candidates. Participation in the activities offered by the reserach school is both social and educational.

Click here for more information.


Bergen Research School in Inflammataion

Bergen Research School in Inflammation offers several interesting courses in inflammation and immunology for master students and PhD-candidates.

Click here for more information.


Core Facilities

Department of Clinical Science has four core facilities:

Genomics Core Facility (GCF)

Core facility for Metabolomics

Core Facility for Flow Cytometry

Research Unit for Health Surveys

Illustration picture for Centre for Pharmacy

Centre for Pharmacy

Centre for Pharmacy has the leading responsibility for Pharmacy education and research at the University of Bergen in cooperation with other departments which conduct pharmacy research.

Click here to read more about Centre for Pharmacy.