The administration

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Overview of the administration at K2:
Maria Holmaas - Head of Administration
Irene L. Hjelmaas - Senior Executive Officer; staff, management support
Siv Lise Bedringaas - HSE Coordinator (Present at the office on the 8th floor of the Laboratory Building every Monday and Wednesday)
Ingri Lunde - Apprentice
Øyvind Byrkjedal-Bendiksen - Senior Executive Officer; coordinator
Martine Jordana Baarholm- Higher Executive Officer
Thea Midtun - Higher Executive Officer
Sørine Nydam Andersen - Higher Executive Officer
Irene Hjelmaas - Senior Executive Officer (PhD coordinator)
Susanna Pakkasmaa - Senior Research Adviser
Synne Andrea Campbell - HR adviser (Present at the office on the 8th floor of the Laboratory Building every Tuesday and Wednesday)