Theory in Practice: Risks and Responses in the Modern Criminal Law
Forskningsprosjekt finansiert av Norges forskningsråd ved Frisam. Prosjektet er eit samarbeidsprosjekt med prosjektet «Criminal Law Theory - A New Norwegian Approach».

Main content
Prosjektet vart starta opp i 2011. Prosjektet er samansett av to stillingar, ei phd-stilling som skal diskutere fareomgrepet i strafferetten og ei postdok-stilling som skal diskutere straffutmåling.
Omtale av prosjektet:
Among the most important current societal changes are the internationalisation of society and the development of a 'risk-society'. These changes have great impact on the development of the criminal law.
The two projects (one post.doc.-project and one ph.d .-project) shall analyse different dimensions of the criminal law where these societal changes makes impact.
Tina Søreide's post doctoral project in law & economics explores selected challenges in criminal law where the question of optimal response from the side of state institutions is particularly unclear. The working title of the project is “The Economics of Crime and Criminal Sanctions“. The project includes studies of corporate sanctions, corruption, financial secrecy, and organized crime. What constitutes efficient criminal justice response is a cross-cutting theme.
Eva Marie Vestergård Møllers ph.d.-project in theoretical criminal law explores the concepts of risk and danger both as concepts in their own right and in relation to their use in Norwegian criminal law. The working-title of the project is "Criminalization of Dangerous Acts - Reconstructing the Concepts of Risk and Danger for Norwegian Criminal Law". The aim of the project is 3-fold. First, to reconstruct one or more principles of criminalization applicable to Norwegian Criminal Law, secondly to do a cross-scientific analysis of the concepts of risk and danger, and thirdly, by applying the principles of criminalization to current offences of endangerment to make suggestions on what sort of dangerous conduct should be criminalised.