News archive for Challenges in Advanced Democracies
Professor Frank Aarebrot and research assistant Kjetil Evjen recently published a new introductory-level text book on European state and nation-building, based on Aarebrot’s lectures.
Postdoctor Yvette Peters finds in a new publication that more affluent citizens influence public policy more than poorer ones, and that differences in turnout partially explains it. The article is published in West European Politics and is co-authored by Sander J. Ensink.
The project seeks to ascertain how much personal responsibility citizens believe they have for their own income. Professors Stein Kuhnle, Siri Gloppen, and post-doc Cornelius Cappelen represent the Department of Comparative Politics in the project.
Associate Professor Michaël Tatham says to Norwegian newspaper Klar Tale that even if certain regions in Europe were to become independent, close relations to the parent state and the EU would be maintained.
Førsteamanuensis Michaël Tatham sier til nettavisen Klar Tale at selv om enkelte regioner i Europa blir selvstendige stater, vil de fortsatt ha tette bånd til både landet de tilhørte og EU.
- December 2014 (1)
- November 2014 (5)
- October 2014 (1)
- September 2014 (2)
- June 2014 (2)
- April 2014 (3)
- October 2012 (2)