Department of Social Anthropology

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Department seminar 50th Anniversary

The Bergen Social Anthropology Seminar (BSAS) at the Department of social anthropology is celebrating its 50th anniversary in 2013! 30 May is therefore devoted to celebrate and discuss this long-standing series.

Main content


10.30 – 11.00 Edvard Hviding  — Wwlcome, introduction by the postdoc group

11.00 – 11.45 Kjetil Fosshagen — The moral economy of visi-bility: Embodied epistemologies in the Norwegian public sphere

11.45 – 12.30 Marit Melhuus — Animations of the Embryo: human life/human being

12.30 – 13.30 Lunch — provided by the department

13.30 – 14.15 Tone Bringa — Eurasian Borderlands

14.15 – 15.00 Tom Mountjoy, Eilin Holtan Torgersen, Edvard Hviding — Fieldwork and Physicality

15.00 – 15.30 Coffee break with tapas

15.30 – 15.45 Discussant — Bjørn Enge Bertelsen

1545 – 1700 Roundtable (in Norwegian) Chair – Hege Toje


På hvilke måter kan antropologisk metode bidra til “denaturalisering” av forskjeller og sosial ulikhet?

På hvilke måter kan (forsknings)politiske føringer, ulike etikkregelverk og andre retningslinjer for forskning være til hinder for antropologien som denaturaliserende prosjekt?

Hvilke dilemmaer er knyttet til antropologiens representasjoner av ulikhet (sosial, kulturell, religiøs, kjønnet, ontologisk, etc.)?

Deltakere: Tord Austdal, Mads Solberg, Anne Karen Bjelland, Gazal Aydin, Marit Melhuus

Speilsalen, Kvarteret, 1030-1700


The Department of Social Anthropology wishes to invite anyone interested in attending this special occasion. Coffee, light lunch and tapas will be provided throughout the day!


The BSAS series is organised by Bjørn Enge Bertelsen, Anette Fagertun, Kjetil Fosshagen, Lars Gjelstad, Christine Jacobsen, Thomas Mountjoy and Hege Toje. For further information on the seminar series please contact Thomas Mountjoy at thomas.mountjoy@sosantr.uib.no